
  • 网络GEICO;Jochen Gehrke;Thomas Gateker
  1. 本月市场的动荡促使德意志银行(DeutscheBank)的分析师盖克(JochenGehrke)下调欧洲汽车股的目标价。他警告说,可能到来的经济衰退将进一步拉低股价。

    This month 's market turbulence prompted Deutsche Bank analyst Jochen Gehrke to cut the price targets for European auto stocks and warned that a possible recession would send shares further down .

  2. 方法:口服路盖克2片,术前30min给药。

    METHODS : 30 minutes before operation 2 tablets of Galake were given .

  3. 方法:路盖克每次2片,tid或qid,应用于150例中度癌痛患者。

    METHODS : 150 patients with moderate cancer pain were treated with 3-4 daily dose of 2 tablets of Galake .

  4. 他有一次提到,甚至家族的姓氏都有个奇幻的来源,并证明说吉盖克斯(Gygaxes)家族就是歌利亚(Goliath)(注释1)的后裔。

    Even the family name , he once said , had fantastic origins , proving that the Gygaxes were descended from Goliath .

  5. 目的:观察路盖克片剂(Galake)对中度癌痛的镇痛效果。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the analgesic effect of Galake ( compound tablet of dihydrocodeine tartrate and paracetamol ) in treatment of moderate cancer pains .

  6. 现在的世界是个“宅”的世界,吉盖克斯对此功不可没。

    Today 's world is a nerd 's world , and Mr Gygax did much to shape it .

  7. 用兰盖克语法理论消解英语词汇教学石化旨在提高量和质,使学生语言运用能力再产生一个飞跃。

    The purpose of using cognitive grammar to dispel fossilization is to improve quantity and quality and aims at another leap .

  8. 过去的语言学理论只研究语言结构,不研究意义,而兰盖克语法只研究语言意义。

    The previous linguistic theory only studies linguistic structure rather than its meaning , nevertheless , cognitive grammar only studies the later .

  9. 在放弃了他的保险事业后,吉盖克斯和玩游戏的搭档戴夫·阿纳森合作,对自己的想法进行改进。

    Abandoning a career in insurance and in collaboration with Dave Arneson , a fellow gamer , Mr Gygax refined his ideas .

  10. 在随后的十年里,莱克夫、约翰逊、兰盖克从以上方面进行了系统的研究和试验。

    In the following ten years , Lakoff , Johnson , Langaker engage in systematical researches and experiments on the above aspects .

  11. 有一天,为了调节一下气氛,吉盖克斯把一只塑料恐龙演绎为一只真龙,并加入了在重骑兵队伍中游荡的巫师和巨怪。

    One day , to spice things up , Mr Gygax turned a plastic dinosaur into a dragon and mixed in wizards and trolls among the men-at-arms .

  12. 本研究以兰盖克语法理论为基础,对英语词汇的客、主观意义进行全面研究,找出消解词汇教学石化的途径。

    Based on cognitive grammar , this essay aims at finding the ways to dispel fossilization by means of studying the objective and subjective meanings of English words .

  13. 由于兰盖克语法理论是一种全新的理论,不易读懂,再加上传入我国的时间不长,目前国内对兰盖克语法研究还处于引进和消化阶段,所取得的研究成果比较贫乏。

    Because cognitive grammar is a new theory and is difficult to understand , the research on cognitive grammar in China is still initial and the achievement is poor .

  14. 兰盖克语法理论是本研究的理论基础,是本研究能否成功的关键。本文首先对兰盖克语法理论进行了介绍和研究综述,夯实了论文的理论基础。

    Cognitive grammar is the theoretical basis and the key point of this research , therefore , this essay firstly gives a main description and introduction to cognitive grammar .

  15. 结果:路盖克治疗中度癌痛的显效率为84.7%,68.0%的患者提高了生活质量,不良反应低。

    RESULTS : The effective rate of Galake in relief of cancer pain was 84 . 7 % and the quality of life was improved in 68 . 0 % patients .

  16. 兰盖克语法理论是一种崭新的语言学理论,与以往的语言学理论有着根本不同。它能解决过去语言学理论无法解决的问题,消解英语词汇教学石化。

    Cognitive grammar , essentially different from the former linguistic theory , is a new linguistic theory . It could deal with the problems that dispel the fossilization in teaching English vocabulary .

  17. 一种完全不同的语言理论运用于英语教学之中肯定产生完全不同的效果,国内研究如何将兰盖克语法理论运用于英语教学几乎没有,运用于英语词汇教学石化消解的就更少。

    A completely different linguistic theory applied to English teaching will certainly produce different effect . The research on how to apply cognitive grammar into dispelling fossilization in English vocabulary teaching is rare .

  18. 方法:在1996年12月~1997年5月对87例普通外科术后患者口服路盖克的镇痛效果进行观察并将所得数据行统计学分析。

    METHODS : From Dec.1996 to May 1997 , Galake tables have been given to 87 patients for relieving post operation pain in the Department , and data were collected and analyzed statistically .