
  • 网络Lee Byung-hun;all in;iris;L.Joe;Byung-hun Lee
  1. 这部有韩国当红影星李秉宪加盟的影片将在釜山上映,该片部分场景就是在那儿拍摄的。

    The film , also starring Korean heartthrob Lee Byung-hun , will screen at Pusan , where some of it was shot .

  2. 演员李秉宪:韩国戏剧还会探讨家庭琐事——他们的爱恨——他们可以感受到这些原始的情绪。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : The Korean drama ( s ) ( are ) still talking about the family things-their love , their hate-they can feel the old emotions .

  3. 演员李秉宪:对啊,没人认得我。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : Yeah . Nobody recognized me .

  4. 《亚洲名人聊天室》请来了韩国演员李秉宪。

    Talk Asia interview with South Korean actor LEE BYUNG-HUN .

  5. 李秉宪,则用其甜美的声音和坚定的眼神,吸引著年轻的女性。

    LBH , who charmed young women with sweet voice and strong eyegazes .

  6. 演员李秉宪:是的,我想我比较认真。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : Yeah , I think I 'm kind of serious .

  7. 裴勇俊和李秉宪,韩流劲风的引领者,他们二人相遇了。

    BYJ & LBH , the leaders of the Korean Current hot wind have met .

  8. 演员李秉宪:我想我是个傻傻的问题人物。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : I think I was ( a ) silly trouble-maker .

  9. 演员李秉宪:是的,那就是真实的我。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : Yeah , that 's ( the ) real me .

  10. 演员李秉宪:不过没人认得我是因为我把自己全遮起来了。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : But , nobody recognized me because I was hiding everything .

  11. 演员李秉宪:我没办法完全享受每件事,因为我总是在思考。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : I could not enjoy fully everything , because I always think about something .

  12. 演员李秉宪:是的,她说我是相当有趣的家伙。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : Yeah , she said I 'm so ( such a ) funny guy .

  13. 演员李秉宪:我真正想做的是开出租车。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : What I really wanted to do was driving ( to drive a ) taxi .

  14. 演员李秉宪:看电影、喝点酒,这是我最棒的时光。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : Watching movies , as ( well as ) drinking wine . That 's my best time .

  15. 演员李秉宪:不,我以前其实没想过进军好莱坞。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : No , I actually didn 't think about it , to go ( to ) Hollywood .

  16. 演员李秉宪:是的,当然我有点担心,但我正试着改变它。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : Yeah , of course I worry about that a little bit , but I 'm trying to change it .

  17. 而这些人在等待的人正准备入场——韩国演员和大众情人李秉宪。

    And the man all of these people are waiting for is preparing to make an entranc . - South Korean actor and heartthrob Lee Byunghun .

  18. 演员李秉宪:我想韩国的戏剧倾向表现真实生活,即使只是小事、细微的情绪、些微的转折。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : I think Korean drama ( s ) tend to show the real life , even though it 's just the small things , small emotions , small twist .

  19. 演员李秉宪:对我来说,那真是有趣又不可思议,因为我已经习惯……以演员的身份生活。所以那对我来悦真的很奇特。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : It was so interesting and that was so weird , the experience to me , because I 'm used to be ... live as an actor , so that was strange to me .

  20. 演员李秉宪:我对试着做到完美,尤其在拍摄现场,因为我要对观众负责任,因为我做这份工作不是因为做着好玩的。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : I 'm tring to be perfect , especially in the shooting place , because I have a lot of responsibility to the audience , because I 'm not doing this job as a joke .

  21. 演员李秉宪:最初从经纪人那听到《特种部队:眼镜蛇的崛起》时,我并不知道那是什么.所以我开始拒绝了。但是每个人都告诉我放手去做,因为那会是部大片,也是进入美国的大好机会。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : When I first heard about G.I. joe from myagent , I didn 't know what it was , so I refused it at first , but everybody told me to do it because it 's going to be so huge , and it 's going to be a huge opportunity to go there .