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  1. 今晚表演节目的主持人是李咏。

    The host on tonight 's show is Liyong .

  2. 一种声音系统的权力实践&从赵忠祥、倪萍、李咏谈起

    The Power Practice of a Vocal System & Beginning with Zhao Zhongxiang , Ni Ping and Li Yong

  3. 在与癌症作了17个月的斗争后,前央视主持人李咏于10月25日去世,享年50岁。

    Former CCTV anchorman Li Yong died on Oct 25 at age 50 after 17 months of battle against cancer .

  4. 此外,李咏还主持过多年的《春节联欢晚会》--春节期间在中国观看人数最多的电视节目。

    Li has also hosted several years of Spring Festival Gala , the most watched television program in China during the Spring Festival .

  5. 李咏于1968年5月3日出生于中国西北部的新疆维吾尔自治区的乌鲁木齐,于1987年考入了中国传媒大学。

    Li , who was born on May 3 , 1968 , in Urumqi , Northwest China 's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region , enrolled in Communication University of China in 1987 .

  6. 李咏的妻子兼电视导演哈文,在新浪微博账号发表了一则声明:“在美国,经过17个月的抗癌治疗,2018年10月25日凌晨5点20分,永失我爱……”

    Ha Wen , television director and wife of Li , released a statement on her official Sina Weibo account which reads " I have lost my love , after 17 months of cancer therapy at 5:20 am on Oct 25 , 2018 , in the United States . "