
  • 网络Dawei
  1. 事实上,高瞻电动车(EVBuy)创始人张大伟说,在上海的大约100万乘用车保有量中,电动汽车顶多只有500辆。高瞻电动车是一家上海公司,面向个人和企业用户提供电动汽车经销、配套服务等业务。

    In fact , there are at most 500 electric cars in Shanghai out of a total of about one million passenger vehicles , according to Zhang Dawei , the founder of EV Buy , a Shanghai company that sources and services electric cars for individuals and corporate users .

  2. 一家名为中原地产的房地产公司的首席市场分析师张大伟表示,过低的租金房价比会影响租赁市场的发展。

    The excessively low rent-price ratio affects the development of the rental market , said Zhang Dawei , chief market analyst of Centaline , a real estate company .

  3. 张大伟还表示,用天然气取代煤来供暖,关闭污染严重的工厂等等,这些改善空气质量的举措得到了很好的实施,取得了不错的效果。

    Strenuous efforts to improve air quality , including replacing coal with natural gas for heating and closing down heavily polluted factories , have worked well , Zhang said .

  4. 但是高瞻电动车的张大伟说,在拥有2400万人口的上海,目前只建成了1000-2000个充电桩,远远达不到实现十二五目标的速度。

    But in today 's Shanghai , a city of 24 million people , only 1,000-2,000 have so far been installed , says Mr. Zhang of EV Buy & far off the pace required to help China achieve its goals .

  5. 但是高瞻电动车的张大伟说,在拥有2400万人口的上海,目前只建成了1000-2000个充电桩,远远达不到实现“十二五”目标的速度。

    But in today 's Shanghai , a city of 24 million people , only 1000-2000 have so far been installed , says Mr. Zhang of EV Buy -- far off the pace required to help China achieve its goals .