
  1. 第二,分别从小说和散文里,分析张抗抗抗争的精神品质;

    Secondly from novel and prose to assay her oomph of against ;

  2. 张抗抗是中国当代文学史上不可多得的思考型的女作家。

    Zhang Kangkang is a broodier and rare authoress of the contemporary era coprology history of China .

  3. 最后,从叙述视角、“人”的思维模式、人物关系的设置、意境的营造等方面,探讨张抗抗的审美特征。

    Lastly from eyeshot and thinking module of person and setting of person 's combination and artistic conception to discuss her taste style .

  4. 从文化转型的大背景来看,叙述视角的转轨是时代转换和城市文化提供的崭新审美空间对作家的选择,也是从城市出走的张抗抗对城市必然的回归。

    In the background of cultural transition , her swift of narration is based on the transition of times and new aesthetic space from urban life .

  5. 本文从语言学和修辞学的角度,借鉴话语分析和修辞理论,对张抗抗长篇小说的叙述话语进行一个比较全面的分析。

    This article from the perspective of linguistics and rhetoric , drawing on theories of discourse analysis and rhetoric to attempt to conduct a more comprehensive analysis .

  6. 同许多当代优秀的女性作家一样,张抗抗在深入探索着女性自身的情感与欲望世界的同时,还常常将自己的笔触扩展到对社会、历史、人生哲理的描写中。

    Like many other contemporary excellent female writers , she is exploring the feelings and desires of the females while describing extensively the society , history , and life .