
  • 网络beach bathing place
  1. 这个旅游胜地有两家很棒的海滨沙滩浴场。

    The resort has two wonderful sandy bathing beaches .

  2. 蜿蜒的海岸线,充满海风、情、趣、韵和浪漫色彩的沙滩浴场洋溢着青岛海的情怀。

    Zigzag coast , charming bathing beaches with smarting sea breeze and taste , sea interest and melody full of Qingdao scene .

  3. 网球、羽毛球、乒乓球、沙滩浴场、水上竞技等休闲娱乐项目,时时兴奋着您的神经,让您的肌体更加矫健。

    Tennis , badminton , ping-pong , sand beach bathing , and other aquatic sports will spirit you up and bring you fitness .

  4. 群众对该消息感到欢欣鼓舞。该游乐场将建设世界上最大的室内沙滩浴场。

    The public was irritated by the news that the park would include an indoor sand beach , which will be the largest of its kind in the world .

  5. 文章作者进一步指出,室内沙滩浴场是非常耗水的项目,这与目前中国许多省份面临的抗旱工作精神相违背。而天津市也处于降雨量非常少的地区,应该更加具有节约用水的意识。

    The author further points out that the indoor beach , a large water-consuming project , goes against the spirit of fighting the severe drought experienced by many Chinese provinces this year .

  6. 青岛金沙滩海水浴场及周边区域规划设计方案及实现

    The planning and achievement of Qingdao Golden Beach and the surroundings

  7. 只是你们这样的人埋藏在人海里,要找到你们就像沙里淘金。青岛金沙滩海水浴场及周边区域规划设计方案及实现

    It 's just that people like you are hidden in the sea of humanity ; looking for you is like looking for grains of gold in the sand . The planning and achievement of Qingdao Golden Beach and the surroundings

  8. 本文依据现场调查及测验结果,综合分析、评估厦门市海滨浴场的资源与质量的现状及存在问题,并依据现有沙滩资源估算海滨浴场的客容量。

    Based on the field investigation and testing result , we analyse and assess the present situation of Xiamen bathing beach , including it 's resource , quality and existing problem . Furthermore , we assess the capacity of bathing beach according to the beach resource now available .