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  • 网络Chasles;Michael Schaller;Challes;capsela;Schaller
  1. 19世纪法国数学家沙勒不仅在几何学领域有着世界一流的创造性工作,而且在数学史领域也颇多建树。

    The 19th French mathematician Michel Chasles ( 1793-1880 ) not only did creative work in geometry , but made great achievement in the history of mathematics as well .

  2. 所以在这民中必有哄囔之声,你一切的保障必被拆毁,就如沙勒幔在争战的日子拆毁伯亚比勒,将其中的母子一同摔死。

    Therefore shall a tumult arise among thy people , and all thy fortresses shall be spoiled , as Shalman spoiled Betharbel in the day of battle : the mother was dashed in pieces upon her children .