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shā shā
  • rustle
沙沙 [shā shā]
  • [rustle] 形容踩沙子、飞沙击物或风吹草木等声音

  • 风吹树叶沙沙响

  1. 人们翻动书页时发出沙沙的声响。

    There was a rustle of paper as people turned the pages .

  2. 他听到树叶在微风中发出的沙沙声。

    He heard a rustle of leaves in the breeze .

  3. 我听得见他的钢笔在纸上沙沙地响。

    I could hear his pen scraping across the paper .

  4. 一条蛇爬过干草地,发出沙沙的响声。

    A snake rustled through the dry grass .

  5. 次日一大早,天空晴朗无云,大风吹得树木沙沙作响。

    Next morning dawned clear and sunny , with a stiff breeze rustling the trees .

  6. 树叶在风中沙沙作响。

    The leaves rustled in the wind

  7. 她不耐烦地把文件翻得沙沙作响。

    She rustled her papers impatiently

  8. 冷飕飕的风吹动着他周边的矮树丛,沙沙声刚好盖过了吟唱的声音。

    The cold breeze moved through the bushes around him , whispering just loud enough to obscure the chanting

  9. 这部质量上乘的发动机全速运转时也只发出一点点沙沙声。

    This fine engine makes only a whisper when running at full speed .

  10. 我听到旧唱片的沙沙声

    I heard the scratches on the old records .

  11. 树木在微风中发出的沙沙声

    the sound of the trees rustling in the breeze

  12. 微风拂来,黄褐色的草沙沙作响

    A slight breeze rustles the tan grass .

  13. 鸟在桉树弄出沙沙的响声。

    The birds rustled in the eucalyptus trees .

  14. 鹌鹑在矮树丛里沙沙作响。

    Speckled quails rustled in the underbrush .

  15. 树叶柔和的沙沙声

    the soft rustling of leaves

  16. 有些爬虫类,像蛇和蜥蜴,移动得非常快。v.发出沙沙声

    Some reptiles , such as snakes or lizards , move very fast .

  17. 而助理教练KurtRambis则在稍后的暂停中和沙沙进行了一次长谈。

    Assistant coach Kurt Rambis had a long discussion with Vujacic at a timeout later in the game .

  18. 远处,空气干燥而明净,微风吹拂着树叶发出沙沙的声音。

    The breeze rustled leaves in a dry and diaphanous distance .

  19. 树荫在一丝微风下沙沙作响。

    The leaves 29 ) rustle in the 30 ) breeze .

  20. 我往后看到处都是沙沙沙。

    And I look behind me , there 's sand sand sand

  21. 信封拿在他手里发出很响的沙沙声。

    The crackle of the envelope in his hands was loud .

  22. 风吹着白杨树叶沙沙地响。

    The leaves of the poplar trees rustled in the wind .

  23. 风吹过树枝的轻微沙沙声。

    The whisper of wind through the branches of the trees .

  24. 她的漂亮的裙子发出沙沙声,在他听来像音乐那样美妙。

    The rustle of her pretty skirt was like music to him .

  25. 我能听到屋顶上沙沙地响的风声。

    I can hear the whisper of the wind in the roof .

  26. 这歌声与树叶的沙沙声十分和谐。

    The song blended so well with the whispering of the leaves .

  27. 我听见有东西在树丛中沙沙作响,大概是一只鸟。

    I heard something rustling in the bushes , probably a bird .

  28. 听着北风吹得门窗沙沙地响。

    Hearing the north wind lashing on doors and windows .

  29. 我能够听见心头的哀伤背后有些东西在沙沙作响。

    I hear some rustle of things behind my sadness of heart .

  30. 灌木被风吹到窗户上,发出沙沙的响声。

    The bushes made a scratchy sound against the window .