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pā pā
  • Slap;bang-bang
啪啪 [pā pā]
  • [whip] 像鞭打或猛烈摆动那样发出的响声

  • 旗子被风吹得啪啪作响

  1. 萨姆啪啪不停地把手电筒开了又关。

    Sam was flicking a flashlight on and off

  2. 穿着狐狸服的歌手唱着哇啪啪啪啪泡,这样一个短片是怎么做到短短一周内在Youtube上的播放量超过120万的?

    How can a video of a guy wearing a fox suit singing wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow get more than twelve million views on YouTube in less than a week ?

  3. 穿着狐狸服的歌手唱着“哇啪啪啪啪泡”,这样一个短片是怎么做到短短一周内在Youtube上的播放量超过120万的?

    How can a video of a guy wearing a fox suit singing " wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow " get more than twelve million views on YouTube in less than a week ?

  4. 灌木随风前后摇摆,啪啪作响。

    The bushes snapped back and forth in the wind .

  5. 数条鱼在甲板上啪啪乱跳。

    A number of fish were flopping on the deck .

  6. 她的光脚在冰冷的大理石地板上啪啪作响。

    Her bare feet slapped against the cold marble floor .

  7. 说着他点上个烟,啪啪开了几个仪器。

    Say he orders smoke , the Pa Pa opened a few instruments .

  8. 他啪啪地把几盏电灯的开关都打开了。

    He flicked a couple of light switches .

  9. 无跟拖鞋在石头上啪啪作响。

    Heelless slippers were slapping on the stones .

  10. 母亲劈开一个木箱当柴烧。在火中木柴燃烧时劈啪啪地响。

    Mother broke up a box for firewood The wood in the fire snapped as it burned .

  11. 它朝这棵空树快步而来,树枝啪啪地折断,树叶沙沙地踩碎,它停在我藏身处的附近。

    Twigs snapped and leaves crackled as it galloped toward the hollow tree and stopped short of my hiding place .

  12. 我能听到它们慢慢扑扇耳朵发出的啪啪声耳朵一张一合,就像蝴蝶在扇动翅膀。

    I could hear the beating air as they flapped their ears slowly , opening and closing like butterfly wings .

  13. 索尼公司正在尝试进入网际网路影像之内,以叫做将以积极电影制片人的短片段为特色的啪啪响的一个网站锐利。

    Sony is trying to edge into Internet videos with a web site called crackle that will feature short segments by aspiring filmmakers .

  14. 轻轻敲一敲西瓜,听听空闷的回声,要听到“砰砰”的声音而不是“啪啪”的声音。

    Gently knock on the watermelon and listen for a hollow sound that makes a " plunk " rather than a " thwack " sound .

  15. 绕着场地飞行一圈之后,飞机螺旋桨突然啪啪作响(与固定方向舵支撑杆的金属拉线相缠绕)。

    After circling the field , the plane 's propeller suddenly snapped ( it became tangled with the guy wire to the rudder support rod ) .

  16. 他长大了,做着山鸡所做的事——从泥土里翻找食物,做短距离的飞行,翅膀还“啪啪”作响。

    He grew up doing what prairie chickens do - scratching at the dirt for food and flying short distances with a noisy fluttering � of wings .

  17. 有一大群人在那儿干活,马鞭子嚼嚼啪啪地响,马儿拖动木头时拉拉扯扯,使出了九牛二虎之力。

    There was a great crowd of people at work , and a cracking of whips , and horses tugging and straining as they dragged at the logs .

  18. 而站在雨里则是截然不同的感受,像是安塞腰鼓啪啪的鼓点震动耳膜,有种想追随而去的动荡不安。

    While standing in the rain is a different feeling , like the drums Ansai Waist Drum flap vibration eardrum , a kind of want to follow away in the turmoil .

  19. 我的腿骨折了,脚踝脱臼了,胫骨和腓骨断了,所以当我的骨头啪啪作响时声音很大连续响了5次。

    It was a fracture break , so when it snapped and it was loud it dislocated my ankle and broke my tibia and fibula , five times through the bone .

  20. 我的腿骨折了,脚踝脱臼了,胫骨和腓骨断了,所以当我的骨头啪啪作响时——声音很大——连续响了5次。

    It was a fracture break , so when it snapped - and it was loud - it dislocated my ankle and broke my tibia and fibula , five times through the bone .

  21. 转动方向盘时,转向摇臂从一侧摆动到另一侧(在某些汽车上是前后摆动)。灌木随风前后摇摆,啪啪作响。

    The pitman arm swings from one side to the other ( or forward and Backward on some cars ) as the steering wheel is turned . The bushes snapped back and forth in the wind .

  22. 专门为中国市场推出的游戏包括《武术之王》(苏州蜗牛公司)、《南瓜先生大冒险》(上海友聚公司)和《啪啪英雄》(上海基纳公司),这些都是中国本土开发商的力作。

    Titles exclusive to the country include King of Wushu ( Suzhou Snail ) , Mr. Pumpkin Adventure ( Shanghai Youju ) and One Tap Hero ( Shanghai Kena ) . All were created by Chinese game developers .

  23. 然后她来到窗口,在窗台上啪啪地甩打着洗碗刷,随后把它挂在钉子上晾干。

    He heard the clatter of the dishes as she washed up after supper , and then she came to the window , knocked a little mop against the ledge , and hung it on a nail to dry .
