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sù sù
  • rustle;(tears) streaming down
簌簌 [sù sù]
  • (1) [rustle]∶风吹物体等的声音

  • 植物的叶子渐渐变黄,在秋风中簌簌地落下来。--《大自然的语言》

  • (2) [(tears) streaming down]∶形容流泪的样子

  • 淑英的眼泪簌簌地流了下来。--《党员登记表》

簌簌[sù sù]
  1. 这些零碎的思想,是树叶的簌簌之声呀;

    There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves ;

  2. 秋天,天已转凉,树上的落叶簌簌的落下,就像一只只翩翩起舞的黄蝴蝶。

    Autumn , it was already turns cool , tree leaves rustle of falling , like vulture only dance the yellow butterfly .

  3. 眼泪顺着他的面颊簌簌地落下。

    Tears poured down his cheeks .

  4. 大片大片的雪花开始簌簌飘落。

    Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall .

  5. 风吹树叶簌簌响。

    The leaves are rustling in the wind .

  6. 微风吹到平台时,棕榈叶片发出簌簌的低吟。

    When these breezes reached the platform the palm-fronds would whisper .

  7. 在夜间,森林的簌簌声把她整个包围起来了。她不再想,也不再看。

    The nocturnal quivering of the forest surrounded her completely .

  8. 他的几茎稀胡子簌簌地抖动。

    His few straggling wisps of beard twitching with emotion .

  9. 她一见他那种情形簌簌泪下。

    She wept to see him in such a state .

  10. 凶暴的龙卷风袭卷全城市,巨大的冰雹簌簌地攻击着人类。

    Enormous tornadoes whip cities . Gigantic hail crushes others .

  11. 随着他的嗓音提高,她的眼泪开始簌簌地直往下流。

    As his voice rose the tears began to roll down her cheeks .

  12. 恺一直在听着,她听着听着眼泪簌簌地流得满脸都是。

    Kay had been listening to this with tears running down her face .

  13. 他沉默了好半天,才抖簌簌地摸着她的手。

    He was silent for a long time and fumbled at her hand .

  14. 我想变成风,吹过你簌簌的枝丫;

    I want to be the wind and blow through your rustling branches ;

  15. 他在房里踱了几步,脸色是苍白,嘴角是簌簌地抖;

    He paced up and down , his face ashen and his lips quivering .

  16. 风在屋顶上簌簌的吹过。

    The wind was wispering on the roof .

  17. 这番话好比一阵微风,其中智慧在闪烁发光,一如树叶在簌簌作响一样。

    Speech being a breath , the rustling of intelligences resembles the rustling of leaves .

  18. 她挨紧他坐着,眼泪不断地簌簌下落,因爱和极度痛苦而抽泣着。

    She burst into tears and , clinging to him sobbed in love and anguish .

  19. 忆想起那一簇长发簌簌抖开

    When looking on their shaken hair

  20. 她的黑裙簌簌作响,拖曳地上。

    Her blacks crackle and drag .

  21. 某种像液体一样的、银灰色的东西簌簌地滑落到地板上,聚成一堆,闪闪发亮。

    Something fluid and silvery gray went slithering to the floor where it lay in gleaming folds .

  22. 哈利刚朝它跨近一步,突然一阵簌簌滑动的声音使他停住了脚步,呆呆地站在原地。

    Harry had taken one step toward it when a slithering sound made him freeze where he stood .

  23. 他们彼此紧握着手站在那儿时,泪水扑扑簌簌地淌下了两人的面颊。

    As they stood there pressing each other 's hands , the tears rolled freely down their cheeks .

  24. 11月的秋叶已经走过了它们最辉煌的时期,如今正簌簌落地。

    It was November . The colorful Autumn leaves had reached their peak and were now falling fast .

  25. 有时,一束月光穿过冷雨簌簌帕打在窗棂格栅,掸散丝丝蛛网。

    Sometimes a moonbeam will slip through the cold rain on the attic window and brush aside a cobweb .

  26. 于是他们走到花园里去,在一条宽阔的林荫路上走。这儿树叶在簌簌地落下来。

    And they went into the garden in the large avenue , where one leaf was falling after the other ;

  27. 他的老眼闪闪地放光,额角上的淡红色转为深朱,虽然他的嘴唇簌簌地抖着。

    His old eyes gleamed , the faint reddish patches on his temples turned a deep red , and his lips trembled .

  28. 叶子在簌簌地往下掉。只有山楂结着果实,酸得使牙齿都要脱落。

    one leaf fell after the other : the sloes only stood full of fruit , which set one 's teeth on edge .

  29. 法尔看见自己舅舅抬起眼睛瞧一下证人箱,脸上神色不动;又听见身后一阵捣文件的簌簌声。

    Val saw his uncle lift his eyes to the witnessbox , without moving his face : heard a shuffle of papers behind him .

  30. 路边是高高的白杨树,在簌簌的寒风中,树梢上有些灰色和绿色的树叶摇动着。

    There were high white poplars on the roadside , the gray and green leafs on the treetop of the white poplars shook in the wind .
