
shā píng
  • Shaping;sand flat
沙坪[shā píng]
  1. 沙坪站年降水量统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Annual Precipitation in Shaping Rain Gauging Station

  2. 鹤山市沙坪镇社区居民慢性非传染性疾病基线调查浅析

    Investigation of Chronic Non-communicable Disease in Shaping Community Heshan City

  3. 化学灌浆在沙坪水闸闸墩沉降缝处理中的应用

    Application on Disposing of Settlement Joint of Pier with Chemical Grouting in Shaping Water Gate

  4. 草坪上长而宽的一片黄水仙.化学灌浆在沙坪水闸闸墩沉降缝处理中的应用

    A swathe of daffodils across the lawn Application on Disposing of Settlement Joint of Pier with Chemical Grouting in Shaping Water Gate

  5. 洱海北部沙坪湾具有良好的水生态系统,能够拦截入湖污水,但至今仍缺少对其去除污染物和纳污能力的研究。

    Shaping Bay in the northern Erhai lake , has a good aquatic ecosystem , but a study on the removal capacity of pollutants is still absent .

  6. 最后,通过对重庆沙坪公园改造设计的个案研究,从实践的角度,进一步论证了本文所提出的改造设计方法。

    At last , Through the Chongqing Shaping Park transformation design case study , from the Practice angle , we have proven the transformation design strategy which this article proposed .

  7. 由于受医疗条件限制,近3年大理劳教所内发现的所有结核病患者和沙坪劳教所60.5%的结核病患者都采取所外就医方式。

    In recent three years , almost all patients found in Dali reeducation institution have been paroled for TB services outside and 60.5 % TB patients had been paroled in Sha-ping reeducation institution with medical restrictions .