
  1. 落沙坡处于积沙过程;

    Sand fallen slopes are in the process of accumulated sand .

  2. 黄河下游水沙条件对河道冲淤的影响河南洛阳东沙坡层的中新世脊椎动物

    Influence of Silt-Discharge Condition of the Lower Yellow River to the Scour and Fill of the Channel

  3. 沙丘表面日较差最大的部位是落沙坡,夏季大于冬季;

    The leeward has the greatest diurnal temperature range , and the range is larger in summer ;

  4. 河南洛阳东沙坡层的中新世脊椎动物陇南陕南滑坡泥石流发育程度及发展趋势研究

    Study on Degree of Development and Trend of Development of Landslide and Debris Flow in the Southern Gansu and Shaanxi

  5. 农村聚落更移与自然环境变化&以水城县沙坡村为例

    Analysis of relationship between human and land embodied in countryside settlement position vicissitude & Shapo village of Shuicheng county for example

  6. 验证了三角形导沙坡设计的可行性,为解决压力前池内特殊条件下的输排沙提供了一种新型导沙装置。

    The experiment also verified the feasibility of triangular bed load deflecting slope , and provided a new sediment guiding equipment to pressure forebay under the special conditions .

  7. 首先,进行了不同级配的散粒体沙坡试验,发现散粒体自组织临界性与粒径的非均匀系数有关。

    First , by means of the sand-pile experiment on a slope , it is discovered that self-organized criticality in granular mixtures is strongly influenced by the nonuniform degree of granular material .

  8. 到沙坡头的人,往往要提出一个问题:众多的游人从沙坡顶部下滑,大量沙子被带下沙坡,这么个小沙坡怎么没消失呢?

    People visiting the sand slope may wonder why , after so many human bodies have slid down , brushing the sands along with them , the slope has not diminished in height .

  9. 通过干燥沙石散粒体临界态沙坡实验,证实了沙石颗粒组成的非均匀系数是影响散粒体坡面崩塌自组织临界性的重要因素。

    Based on the experiment of critical slope made up of dry sand-gravel mixtures , it is confirmed that self-organized criticality ( SOC ) in granular mixtures is strongly influenced by non-homogeneity of granular material .