
  1. 我只是敢爱敢恨。

    Our love is not true love .

  2. 年轻的克拉丽莎敢爱敢恨,少受世俗的干扰,真正地作为她自身而存在,即本真的存在。

    Young Clarissa dares to love and hate in spite of the secular customs , and exists as her own self or she obtains the authentic being .

  3. 其次,运用心理学的相关理论深入地分析了妙子主张自我、强调个性、敢爱敢恨的形象。

    Next , using relevant psychological theories , the thesis analyzes in depth Taeko , who is self-assertive , lays emphasis on individual characters , and dares to love and hate .

  4. 小说中的人物往往有着鲜明独特的个性,坦诚直率、敢爱敢恨、勇于追求心中所想、执着而坚定、思想上往往能够与时俱进甚至标新立异。

    Part IV , The characters in the novel often have a distinctive personality , frank , love and hate , brave pursuit of their thoughts , persistent and firm ideologically often capable of advancing even unconventional .

  5. 我已经习惯了缺乏安全感的感觉她就是这样敢爱敢恨但这次似乎我不知道不同更严重了我我不知道怎么解释

    I 'm used to the insecurities and all that . That 's who she is , love it or hate it.But this seemed , I don 't know , different , More.I--I can 't explain it .

  6. 尽管她们处于特殊行业的位置上,有一种逆来顺受的常情,但其中也不乏敢爱敢恨、敢于斗争,勇于追求自由、爱情和人生幸福的人。

    Although they had a special occupation where they resigned themselves to adversity and met all kinds of passengers . But they dared to love , hate , struggle and to pursue freedom , love and life happiness .

  7. 敢爱,敢恨,能自由表达自己的情感。

    He have ability to love , to hate , to express his feeling freely .