首页 / 词典 / good

  • dare;venture;have the confidence to;be certain
  • bold;courageous;daring;brave
  • perhaps;probably
  • 有勇气,有胆量:勇~。果~。~闯。~死队。~作~为。~怒而不~言。

  • 谦辞,“不敢”的简称,冒昧的意思:~问。~请。~烦。

  • 方言,莫非:~许。~怕。~是哥哥回来了?


(有胆量做某事) dare; venture:

  • 敢想、敢说、敢干

    dare to think, dare to speak and dare to act;

  • 他们怎么敢做出这样的事?

    How dared they do such a thing?

  • 我不敢再往前走一步。

    I won't venture a step farther.


(有把握做某种判断) have the confidence to; be certain; be sure:

  • 我不敢说他究竟哪一天去。

    I'm not sure just what day he will leave.


[书] (谦辞, 表示冒昧地请求别人) make bold; venture:

  • 敢请

    I venture to ask; May I venture to ask


(有勇气; 有胆量) bold; courageous; daring; brave:

  • 勇敢

    brave enough;

  • 果敢

    courageous and resolute


[方](莫非; 怕是) perhaps; probably:

  • 敢是你不愿意。

    Maybe you are not willing.

  1. 你敢告诉她我说的话!

    Don 't you dare tell her what I said !

  2. 他轻声嘀咕道:“她怎么敢。”

    ' How dare she , ' he muttered under his breath .

  3. 很少有人敢宣称他们反对这个政权。

    Few people dared to declare their opposition to the regime .

  4. 我敢肯定他当时在别处。

    To my certain knowledge he was somewhere else at the time .

  5. 几个大男孩激他,问他敢不敢干这事。

    Some of the older boys had dared him to do it .

  6. 我敢说他了解一切。

    I 'll bet you he knows all about it .

  7. 我敢说,这并不便宜!

    It isn 't cheap , I can tell you !

  8. 我敢说他能得到这份工作。

    I 'll lay odds on him getting the job .

  9. 他未敢妄称音乐知识丰富。

    He made no pretence of great musical knowledge .

  10. 我敢保证你没听说过最新的消息。

    You haven 't heard the last of this , believe you me !

  11. 我敢说她对不得不重写一遍感到恼火。

    I bet she was annoyed at having to write it out again .

  12. 就是那边那个人——我敢拿脑袋打赌。

    That 's him over there ─ I 'd stake my life on it .

  13. 我敢打赌,她知道的比她说的要多。

    I 'll wager that she knows more about it than she 's saying .

  14. 我敢保证她知道答案,但不知为什么她不敢说出来。

    I was sure she knew the answer but for some reason she hung back .

  15. 政府有了这大多数人的支持,才敢推行激进的新政策。

    With such a majority , the administration was emboldened to introduce radical new policies .

  16. 你要敢想。

    You need to think big .

  17. 她敢对他讲实话。

    to tell him the truth .

  18. 她什么事都敢试。

    She 's game for anything .

  19. 这件外衣我穿了好多年,我敢说它能穿一辈子。

    I 've had this coat for years , and I 'm sure it will see me out .

  20. 我认为没人敢再欺负我了。

    I don 't feel that anyone can kick me around anymore .

  21. 我敢说你到家时休肯定训了你一顿。

    I bet Sue gave you an earful when you got home .

  22. 那不是气球,这点我敢肯定。

    It wasn 't a balloon — I 'm certain of that .

  23. 我敢说他按照要求做了。

    I dare say he did as he was bidden .

  24. 我敢说此味只应天上有。

    I 'll bet they 'll taste out of this world

  25. 我敢说你上学时体育很棒。

    I bet you were good at games when you were at school

  26. 我敢肯定他们结婚之前就上过床了。

    I 'm pretty sure they slept together before they were married .

  27. 我敢打包票,他是个皮条客。

    I bet you anything you like he 's a pimp

  28. 在大不里士没人敢轻视行刑者。

    No man in Tabriz trifled with the executioner .

  29. 我敢打赌迪安现在就在你办公室。

    I 'll lay odds that Dean is at your office right now .

  30. 我想你绝不敢和文森特这样的人一起坐上45分钟!

    I dare you to sit through forty-five minutes with someone like Vincent !