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tōnɡ jiǎ
  • interchangeability of Chinese characters;interchangeable homophones ignoring their separate meanings
通假 [tōng jiǎ]
  • [interchangeability of words or characters] 汉字中的互相通用及假借的用法

  1. 古今字与通假字的划界问题及划界困难的原因探析

    On the Difficulties to Distinguish the Chinese characters and the Reasons

  2. 俺从不写错字,但俺写通假字。

    I never write wrong character , but I write loan characters .

  3. 论通假在民俗中的运用英汉民俗习语所反映的民族文化心理对比

    On the National Psychological Differences Reflected by the English-Chinese Folk Custom Idioms

  4. 王力《古代汉语》通假字注释疏误例析

    An analysis on annotation errors of interchangeable characters in Ancient Chinese Language

  5. 古代文字通假现象浅析

    On the phenomenon of interchangeability of Ancient Chinese Characters

  6. 通假字、古今字、异体字,从理论上来说,应该是三个互不包容的术语。

    The three terms , interchangeable words , ancient and modern words , and variants should be uncontradictory .

  7. 王氏以字为词,把异体、通假等文字关系与同族词的关系混同起来,并用类似的训诂术语进行解说。

    Wang regarded character as word , so confused cognate words with variant characters and borrowed characters . relation .

  8. 文中对通假字所反映的上古语音现象的研究可以补正前人的某些结论。

    The study of the pronuciation phenomenon reflected by EF can be served as supplementary remarks of other conclusion .

  9. 《诗集传》有少量叶音跟《诗经》的某些通假字、异文等用字现象有关联。

    A few of Xieyin in Shi Ji Zhuan are relative to some written phenomena including Tongjia-zi , Yiwen etc.

  10. 中学语文与大学语文之比较谈谈古今字与通假字的区分问题&兼与中学语文编写组商榷

    The Distinction between Senior and College Chinese A Discussion on the Difference of the Old-new Word and the Borrow Word

  11. 这部分通假词形之所以有如此强劲的发展势头,是有语言本身及深刻的社会文化根源的。

    It has powerful developmental momentum and cannot be replaced , because of the language itself and its profound social cultural origin .

  12. 该系统从层次上可分为异体字系统、通假字系统、同族词系统三个子系统。

    This system can be divided into three subsystems : variant characters system , borrowed characters system , and cognate words system .

  13. 第三节从语音、结构、数量对应三个方面探讨了楚简新见通假借字与本字之间的关系。

    Section ⅲ discussed the relationship between borrowed characters and original characters from the three aspects of pronunciation , composition and parallelism of number .

  14. 在语内翻译中探讨由于底本不同、通假字、句法变化以及标点符号等产生的翻译问题。

    Intralingual translation of Laozi explores the problems caused by different originals , phonetic loan characters , changes of syntax and loss of punctuation marks .

  15. 阿是何的同音通假,意义发展或作疑问代词,或作远指代词,不是传统所说的语气词。

    A is the interchangeability of He , can be regarded as interrogative pronoun or demonstrative pronoun , and also is not a mood word .

  16. 通假,是我国古文中特殊的用字现象,大量通假字的出现给我们阅读古文带来了诸多不便。

    False Words are the specific phenomena in Classical literatures , it is inconvenience for us to read books because of plenty of false words .

  17. 不能混淆同源字和通假字的界限&从两篇文章对两种文字现象的混淆谈起

    Unable to Mix up the Limitation of Cognate Words and Interchangeable words & Starting with the Mixture of the Two Chinese Characters in the Two Articles

  18. 此论对造字之假借而言是正确的,但对用字之假借&通假来说是不符合历史事实的。

    This theory , when referring to word-making , is all right , but when referring to word use , it is not true to historical facts .

  19. 特别是《仪礼》的出土为研究这一时期的文字使用情况,诸如异体字、通假字、俗体字等提供了宝贵资料。

    The " yili " bamboo slips provided valuable information in the studying of the text in this period , such as variant , homophones , vulgar characters .

  20. 本文从汉字发展史的角度,立足于通假字的时代层次,考察研究通假字的矛盾性,在定量分析的基础上指出通假字在整个汉字发展史中的地位和作用。

    This thesis is to study the contradictions of " tong jia " and to have a quantitative analysis while considering the Chinese characters ' history of development .

  21. 江苏省中等职业学校《语文》试用教材中,存在着通假字与古今字混淆的现象。

    There is a phenomena which is confused by wrongly written characters and ancient and nowadays words in " Chinese " tryout teaching material in secondary school in Jiangsu Province .

  22. 文言文知识是复杂而深奥的,了解古今字与通假字的有关知识,分清初中课本中的古今字与通假字,对将来进入高一级学校及其今后的学习有极大帮助。

    The knowledge about the words in classical Chinese is complicated and abstruse , in Junior Chinese book the same word has different meanings between the classical Chinese and Todays .

  23. 若从多学科角度来论证蜍兔之变的通假说,便会对其合理性产生怀疑。

    If the interchangeable theory of the shift of toad to rabbit is expounded and proved in the light of multiple branches of learning , doubt will be raised about its rationality .

  24. 二是俗字和通假字的影响和作用不同,俗字的产生使整个汉字体系变得更加庞大,而通假字不舍。

    Second , the effects of Folk Characters and Interchangeable Characters are different , The generation of the Chinese Folk Characters made The Character System bigger , but Interchangeable Characters did not .

  25. 清代的好多学者不仅善于训诂学考释,而且还精通古音学研究,他们把自己的古音学成果运用到训诂实践中,以古音求古义,考证出了古文献中的许多通假字。

    Many scholars were not only famous scholars of textual exegesis , but also were good at the research of old Chinese phonology . They applyed the achievement of phonology to Exegetical practice .

  26. 论文首先选择与本专题有关的通假研究的内容,从三个方面介绍了通假研究的历史与现状:通假的概念、通假的分类、通假字对汉字发展史的影响和作用。

    This thesis first reviews the history and current situation of studying " tong jia " from three aspects : the definition of " tong jia ", the classification , and the its influence on the history of Chinese character .

  27. 就此出发,主要讨论了写同音字与古音通假的条件、性质、规律和原因等几个方面的区别。

    In light of this , the article mainly discussed the differences on several aspects of the homophone and the ancient pronunciation interchangeable uses and borrowed uses , such as the condition , the nature , the rule , the reason and so on .

  28. 第二章概述隋代墓志铭文用韵情况,确定韵字材料的范围及其取舍原则,探讨碑别字、通假字和多音字的韵部归属问题,并总结墓志铭文的句式、换韵和押韵情况。

    The second chapter summarizes the Sui Dynasty epitaph of rhyme , rhyme materials and determine the principles of choice of words , monument , borrowed words and homophones rhyme is attributive problem , and summarizes the epitaph of sentence structure , change and rhyme condition .