
  • 网络Commuter
  1. 感到困惑的通勤族,韩国

    Confused commuter , South Korea

  2. 睡眼惺忪的通勤族拖着沉重的步子上班去。

    Sleepy-eyed commuters were wending their way to work .

  3. 月台在下班赶着回家的通勤族脚下不堪重负。

    The platforms groan with homeward-bound commuters .

  4. 马萨诸塞州大型研究机构国际数据公司(IDC)的雷•伯格斯(RayBoggs)说,2001年衰退期间,企业的电子通勤族数量小幅下降,之后回升,不过2009年又从2006年的920万人减少至870万人。

    The number of corporate telecommuters edged lower in the 2001 recession , then recovered , only to decline to 8.7 million in 2009 from 9.2 million in 2006 , says Ray Boggs of IDC , a Framingham , Mass . , research concern .

  5. 老太太们在上下班高峰时间勇敢地走进地铁,收集通勤族丢弃的报纸。

    Grannies brave the subway at rush hour to collect commuters ' discarded newspapers .

  6. 在此期间,印度的水营一直开放,通勤族们正在努力活命。

    In the meantime , water camps are open and commuters are doing their best to survive .

  7. 随着裁员风潮的蔓延,兼职者、享受弹性工作制的员工、以及电子通勤族担心自己会是首先被裁掉的。

    As layoffs spread , part-timers , flex-timers and telecommuters fear they 'll be the first to go .

  8. 通勤族不只是流汗和晕眩,还不能开车,因为道路由于高温在融化。

    Commuters aren 't just sweating and dizzy & they can 't drive because the roads are melting .

  9. 煎饼通常是大街小巷的小贩在卖,它是许多赶着上班的通勤族最爱的早餐。

    Often sold by street vendors , Jian bing is a popular choice for breakfast for on-the-go commuters .

  10. 这意味着骑行通勤族一年最多能得到600欧元(424英镑)奖励。

    That means commuters who switch to two wheels could pocket up to 600 euros ( 424 pounds ) in a year .

  11. 另一方面,那些考虑了产出成本比的雇主则可能看到一个高效率的兼职者或是电子通勤族是笔财富。

    On the other hand , employers who are equipped to measure output against costs may see an efficient part-timer or telecommuter as an asset .

  12. 科学家发现,超过一半的火车通勤族都会使用免费的无线网络发送工作邮件。他们认为这种习惯可能会破坏工作与生活平衡。

    Scientists found more than half of train commuters use the free Wi-Fi to send work emails - a habit they argue threatens to disrupt people 's work-life balance .

  13. 当然,对于这些超级通勤族而言,最重要的问题是,他们这项投资在毕业后是否能获得足够高的回报,让所有的旅途与花费变得值得。

    Of course the great question for these super-commuters is whether they receive a high enough return on investment upon graduation to make the travel and expense worth it .

  14. 那些住在曼哈顿的地铁通勤族之间也有一些十分富足的中产阶级,他们买得起汽车,住在郊区的大房子里。

    Those commuters who take the subway within Manhattan also include some quite wealthy middle-class citizens who can afford a car and live in a big house in a suburban area .

  15. 对于很多都市通勤族来说,采购杂货是在本已忙碌的一天中硬生生加入的又一桩苦差事,既占用了宝贵的时间,又徒增了来回换乘公共交通的烦恼。

    For many urban commuters , grocery shopping is another chore to be shoehorned into an already busy day , taking up valuable time and creating a logistics nightmare on public transportation .

  16. 燕郊通勤族根据自身需求及经济条件在公共交通通勤、拼车通勤、自驾通勤三种通勤方式中进行选择,每一种通勤方式带来不同通勤感受。

    Yanjiao commuters , according to their own needs and economic conditions , they choose a proper form among public transport commuting , carpool commuting , self-driving commuting , any of which brings a different commuting experience .

  17. 多伦多和蒙特利尔的通勤上班族花在路上的时间可能就不短了,但一项最新调查表明,和其它城市相比,这真是小巫见大巫。

    Commuters in Toronto and Montreal may spend a lot of time in their cars , but a new survey shows they have a relatively stress-free commute compared with others .

  18. 与此同时,盖茨公司却通过碳驱动系统在海外取得了巨大的成功,尤其是盖茨公司重点关注的电动车和电动助力自行车在一些通勤上班族极多的地区(比如欧洲)卖得特别好。

    On the other hand , Gates has had huge success with the carbon drive system overseas , focusing on e-bikes , electrically assisted bicycles that sell well in commuter-heavy places like Europe .

  19. 但这款看起来有点奇怪的装置,能为通勤的上班族解决一个非常尴尬的问题:他们再也不会睡着歪倒在旁边乘客的身上了。

    But this odd contraption could provide a solution for commuters faced with the embarrassing problem of falling asleep on fellow passengers .

  20. 但是,如果你早晨去坐地铁,看看通勤的上班族,你很快会发现事实并非如此。

    Yet if you go on the Tube in the morning and look at commuters , you quickly see this isn 't true .