
  • 网络San Jose Mercury News;San Jose Mercury
  1. 这与《圣荷西水星报》报道该公司开通渡轮的原因相符。

    That coincides San Jose Mercury News according to paper one reason to ferry .

  2. 根据《圣荷西水星报》的报道,五天之后35岁的麦克法林将被起诉,罪名是入室盗窃和买卖赃物。

    Five days later , McFarlin , 35 , was charged with one count of residential burglary and selling stolen property , according to the San Jose Mercury News .

  3. 据圣荷西水星报报道,肇事司机尚未被逮捕。

    The driver of the pickup was not arrested , the Merc reported .