
  • 网络San Mateo County
  1. 最终,圣马特奥县起诉了乔布斯,试图证明他和孩子的亲子关系,并让他承担经济责任。

    Finally , the County of San Mateo sued Jobs to try to prove paternity and get him to take financial responsibility .

  2. 圣马特奥县法医罗伯特·富克罗在新闻发布会上表示,这名中国遇难女孩在7月6日波音777-200飞机摔机着陆时气息尚存,之后因遭到赶往现场灭火的一辆消防车辆碾压而死亡。

    San Mateo County Coroner Robert Foucrault told a news conference that the victim , a teenager girl from China , survived the crash landing of the Boeing 777-200 on July 6 and then was struck and killed by a fire vehicle rushing to the scene .