
  • 网络marin;marin county
  1. ChristianMortensen居住在加利福尼亚州的马林县,享有115岁高龄。

    Christian Mortensen lived in Marin County , CA until the grand age of 115 years old .

  2. 奥斯伯格住在三藩市附近的马林县(MarinCounty),每天通过电话跟巴菲特沟通好几次,一起打网上桥牌,一边闲聊一边切磋牌技。

    Osberg lives in Marin County , outside of San Francisco , and communicates with Buffett a couple of times a day by phone , and then again via the computer , where the two chat as they play online .

  3. 片中真正让人感兴趣的事发生在破损的金门大桥另一侧的马林县,在那里,我们进化之路上的表亲们正在建立自己的文明,他们仁慈的领导者名叫凯撒(Caesar),是一个会直立行走的黑猩猩。

    The real interest lies across the battered Golden Gate Bridge , in Marin County , where our evolutionary cousins , under the benevolent guidance of an upright-walking chimpanzee named Caesar , have built their own civilization .

  4. 沃尔什居住在加利福尼亚州,可以从家中远眺马林县的塔玛珮斯山,而黑客在踏足她家的数日之前,就发现了她的Facebook账号——尽管它相对来说是保密的——获得了足以接管她的数字生活的信息。

    Days before hackers even set foot in Mrs. Walsh 's home overlooking Mount Tamalpais in Marin County , Calif. , they found her Facebook account and - though it was comparatively locked down - uncovered just enough to begin to take over her digital life .

  5. 这座桥连接了圣弗兰西斯科市和马林县。

    The Golden Gate Bridge links the city of San Francisco with Marin County , California .

  6. 我告诉人们,金门大桥连接的不仅是马林县与旧金山,也连接着人与人之间。

    I tell people , the bridge not only connects Marin to San Francisco , but people together also .

  7. 一份来自马林县的警方声明显示,威廉姆斯的死因或为窒息自尽。

    A statement from Marin County Sheriff 's Department said Williams ' death appeared to be suicide due to asphyxia .

  8. 迄今,在这座闻名世界、贯通加州三藩市和马林县的大桥上通行过的车辆已超过20亿。

    Since then , more than two billion vehicles have crossed the world famous structure between San Francisco and Marin County , California .

  9. 这23年里的大多数时间,我都是在马林县的南部巡逻,我都是在马林县的南部巡逻,其中包括金门大桥,

    The majority of those 23 years was spent patrolling the southern end of Marin County , which includes the Golden Gate Bridge .

  10. 不到10分钟,他们伪造了一份来自Change.org的假电邮,请她在一份关于马林县土地利用的假请愿书上签名。

    Within 10 minutes , they composed a fake email from Change.org asking her to sign a fake petition about land use in Marin County .

  11. 本周末,什么在所有的概率是世界上最大的弹球显示发生在海湾地区的马林县文娱中心举行。

    This weekend , what is in all probability the world 's largest pinball show takes place at the Bay Area 's Marin County Civic Center .

  12. 开始于马林县的一个加州项目:修建更多的人行道了自行车道供更多的孩子步行或骑车上学。

    California program , started in Marin County , to build new sidewalks and bike paths that 's getting more children to walk or bike to school .

  13. 从那时起,已经有超过20亿辆汽车驶过这座架设在旧金山和加州马林县之间的著名建筑。

    The bridge opened to vehicle traffic on May twenty-eighth , nineteen thirty-seven . Since then , more than two billion vehicles have crossed the world famous structure between San Francisco and Marin County , California .

  14. 金门大桥是美国最具标志性的桥,连接了旧金山半岛和马林县,被称为现代世界奇迹之一。

    Perhaps the most iconic bridge in the USA , the Golden Gate Bridge connects the San Francisco peninsula to Marin County . It has also been named one of the Wonders of the Modern World .

  15. 金门大桥正在庆祝75周年,这座大桥于1937年5月28日通车,从此,有20多亿辆车通过这座著名建筑在芝加哥和加州马林县间穿过。

    The Golden Gate Bridge is celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary . The bridge opened to vehicle traffic on May twenty-eighth , nineteen thirty-seven . Since then , more than two billion vehicles have crossed the world famous structure between San Francisco and Marin County , California . As many as one hundred twelve thousand cars make the trip each day .