
  • 网络Aermacchi;Edward Markey;Edward J. Markey;maqui;Ed Markey
  1. 在华盛顿,美国国会众议院能源独立委员会主席、麻萨诸塞州众议员马基似乎对沙特宣布的这一消息并不感兴趣。

    In Washington , the chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence , Massachusetts Representative Edward Markey , seemed unimpressed by the Saudi pronouncement .

  2. 在能源问题上,众院去年通过了由威克斯曼与马基提出的“排放总量限制与交易”议案,但参院有关立法与此几乎没有相似之处。

    As for energy , the Senate legislation bears little resemblance to the cap-and-trade bill steered through the House last year by Henry Waxman and Edward Markey .

  3. ATR是空客与意大利芬梅卡尼卡(Finmeccanica)子公司阿莱尼亚-马基(AleniaAermacchi)组建的合资公司。

    ATR is a joint venture between Airbus and Alenia Aermacchi , a subsidiary of Italy 's Finmeccanica .

  4. 马基常常处于美国政治主流之外。

    Mr Markey is often outside the mainstream of US politics .

  5. 马基是在美国广播公司的“本周”节目中说这番话的。

    Markey was speaking on ABC 's This Week program .

  6. 迷迭香是地中海沿岸马基群落典型的一种植物。

    Rosemary is a typical member of the Mediterranean coastal'macchia'vegetation .

  7. 你暑假读了马基维力的《君主论》,对吧?

    You read Machiavelli this summer , didn 't you .

  8. 甚且在儒家文化氛围内的政治人物,难道就不懂玩弄马基维利式的权术吗?

    Do political figures from Confucian cultures not know how to utilize Machiavellian political tactics ?

  9. “道德及马基维利”是本课程中的第三及第四个自我评量。

    The Ethics and Machiavelli Questionnaires are the third and fourth self-assessments of this class .

  10. 或者是只要深思马基维利主义,并想想是否适合你。

    Alternatively , just deal with the image of " Machiavellianism " and whether you think it suits you .

  11. 马基维利问卷是非常细致而有趣的,而且没有所谓的正确答案。

    NB : The Machiavelli Questionnaire is at best quaint and sexist , and there are no right answers .

  12. 但经常处于历史阴暗角落的马基维利主义是否就没有其巨大的实务影响力呢?

    Even though Machiavellianism has often been discarded in history , does it not have its great and substantial influences ?

  13. 马基在声明中说,他意识到,从政并不适合法官出身的他。

    In a statement Mekki said that he realized the nature of politics didn 't suit his profession as a judge .

  14. 在文艺复兴时期,马基维利的名字跟邪恶的建言者与实行家划上等号,主要是因为《君王论》一书。

    Machiavelli 's name became synonymous in the Renaissance with evil advice and practice , largely on the basis of this document .

  15. 马基虽然曾是一名争取司法独立的活动人士,但作为穆尔西的副手,他依然为这些法令进行了辩护。

    Mekki defended those policies as Morsi 's deputy , despite his history as an activist for the independence of the judiciary .

  16. 此时,马基游击队也在解放法国中部,他们从山上出击,袭击敌军驻地和交通线。

    Meanwhile , central France was being liberated by the maquis who descended from the hills and attacked enemy garrisons and communication lines .

  17. 同样地,在与她共事的马基队员抓到一名承认自己是名间谍的德国妇女时,她知道必须杀了她。

    Likewise , she saw the necessity of killing a German woman captured by some of her Maquis colleagues who admitted to being a spy .

  18. 请(再)阅读《君王论》,或是回想你喜欢马基维利的地方。

    Please feel free to ( re ) read The Prince , or recall anything you would like about Machiavelli , as you think about this .

  19. 根据埃及宪法草案,埃及政府今后将不设副总统职位,马基的辞职是否与此有关目前还不得而知。

    It was unclear if Mekki 's resignation had anything to do with the clause in Egypt 's Constitution that eliminates the position of vice president .

  20. 如同马基在电子邮件中解释的那样,对于指标的过分关注可能会模糊人们的视野,看不清远大的目标,而这种目标曾经让公司在幸福的时光中充满生气。

    As Mackey elaborated over email , an obsessive focus on metrics tends to obscure the sense of higher purpose that animated the company in happier times .

  21. “如同马基维利”意味将邪恶的意图隐藏在合理面具下的狡猾阴谋家。

    To be " Machiavellian " came to mean to be a sly schemer , one who hides his evil intentions behind the mask of executive necessity .

  22. 国会议员马基在填补参议院席位的竞选中将气候变化定为首要问题,这个席位是国务卿约翰·克里留下的空缺。

    Congressman Markey has made climate change a top tier issue , in his bid to fill the senate seat , vacated by secretary of state John Kerry .

  23. 下周准备:开始准备「道德及马基维利问卷」及其得分表,本作业须于第三堂课缴交。

    For next week : Please find the Ethics and Machiavelli Questionnaires , and scoring sheets in the Class Notes , for the assignment due in Session 3 .

  24. 重点就是要了解你的思维及行为在别人眼中有几分的马基维利,同时也是要了解你是否相信你的思维及行为反应了你自己的价值观。

    The point is to assess the extent to which you think or act in a way that others might think is " Machiavellian ," and to see if you believe that your thinking and behavior reflect your own values .

  25. “既然皇帝要为他的儿子建立罗马王国,我想他大概也已实现了马基难里和凯撒布琪亚的梦想,把意大利变成了一个统一的王国了吧。”

    " And as the emperor had created the kingdom of Rome for his infant son , I presume that he has realized the dream of Machiavelli and CSAR borgia , which was to make Italy a United kingdom . "