
  1. 然后根据理想成像四分之一波长的波像差限制,从离焦再现位相误差角度对菲涅耳数字全息的焦深作了进一步分析,结果与用再现像强度判据得到的焦深相差近三分之一。

    Then according to the 1 / 4 wave-imaging-difference limitation of the ideal imaging , the depth of focus of Fresnel digital holography is analyzed further from the off-focusing phase error . The difference between the two methods to evaluate the depth of focus is one third .

  2. 第二阶段对黄疸较深者作分期手术30例。

    Staged operations were done in 30 deeply jaundiced patients in the second period .

  3. 君子不用深紫色作衣服缀饰,不用红、紫色做便服。

    A gentleman does not have robes trimmed in dark purple and red , and casual clothing in red and purple .

  4. 用灰色系统理论、可公度性理论对东北≥7级深震作了估计。

    This paper estimated the deep seismicity with M ≥ 7 in Northeast China using the grey system theory and commensurability theory .

  5. 尺侧趾足底固有动脉与另一组足内侧皮瓣的足底深支作串联吻合;

    The plantar artery at the fibular side was anastomosed with the deep plantar branch of the medial flap from the opposite foot in a series fashion .

  6. 文章讨论了选用旋髂浅动脉与旋髂深动脉作血管蒂的对比。

    The advantages and disadvantages of using the superficial circumflex iliac vessels as the deep circumflex iliac vessels as the vascular pedicle for iliac bone grafts also are discussed .

  7. Law在盆地中心气(Basin-centeredgassystems)一文中对全球性深盆气作了系统论述。

    Law ( 2002 ), in his article entitled " Basin-centered Gas Systems ", discussed global DBG systemically .

  8. 地铁深基坑逆作施工的数值模拟与实测分析

    Numerical Simulation and Measuring Analysis for Deep Foundation Pit of Metro Using Top-down Method

  9. 对中浅部矿与深部矿作了定性定位定量预测。

    The shallow and deep mineralizations are predicted separately by quantitative and position finding methods .

  10. 它难道不应该在深林中作窝,在草地和沼泽上飞翔?

    Ought not a bird to nest in deep woodland or fly over meadow and marsh ?

  11. 中国信息技术投入经济价值测度实证分析地铁深基坑逆作施工的数值模拟与实测分析

    Empirical Analysis on Contribution of China IT Investment ; Numerical Simulation and Measuring Analysis for Deep Foundation Pit of Metro Using Top-down Method

  12. 当等效半径很大时,对分支埋深的影响作了论述。

    When equivalent radius of branch are very large , the paper introduces the influence of equivalent radius es on the depth of embedment of grounding branch .

  13. 并对加大方竹笋的深加工技术作了研究和探讨,为提高林副产品利用率和附加值,具有至关重要的作用。

    And study on further processing technology of this species is carried out , it has important role on increasing the use of by-products and added value .

  14. 通过由由国际广场深基坑逆作施工实践,着重介绍了灌注桩加双排搅拌桩止水帷幕围护体系、主楼顺作裙房逆作、电缆翻交、轨道交通四号线保护、挖土施工等关键施工技术。

    Through the practice of deep foundation top-down for Youyou International Square , some key construction techniques were introduced , including structure of bored and double stirring piles , down-top construction in high-rise buildings , top-down in low-rise buildings , protection of railways , methods for excavation .

  15. 应用矩谱法和辅以正演模拟,了解基底局部埋深和获得可视作均匀磁化的依据,得以用Hahn的方法作反演。

    Using the matrix spectrum method with the help of forward simulation , one can understand the local buried depth of the basement and obtain the basis which might be regarded as homogeneous magnetization so as to make inversion with Hahn 's method .

  16. 对聚焦激光光束焦深的不同定义作了比较分析,并对基模高斯光束的光强分布作了数值计算,作出了等光强分布曲线。

    Different definitions about focal depth of Gaussian Beam are compared and analyzed .

  17. 深静脉留置管作胸腔闭式引流的护理

    Nursing care in the closed thoracic drainage with central venous catheter for pneumothorax

  18. 是否你跳上一了次航班,在那最深的蔚蓝,作一次旅程去往天堂

    And you jumped on a flight in the darkest of blues , took a trip to paradise

  19. 最后,给我的朋友和深爱的弟弟作最终的告别。

    A last farewell to all my friends and to my brother whom I love so much .

  20. 由由国际广场工程深基坑结构逆作施工实践

    Practice on Structural Construction of Ultra Deep Foundation Pit with Top-Down Construction Method for You-You International Plaza Project

  21. 蓝目天蛾在西宁地区每年发生2代,以蛹在寄主植物附近5~10cm深的土层中作土室越冬。

    Smerinthus planus Walker has 2 generations every year in Xining , their pupa overwintered in the soil of 5 ~ 10 cm depth .

  22. 我搭乘电梯直达这个高得不得了的建筑物,深知道我会作一件我不愿意作的事。

    I took an elevator ride up to the top of this ridiculously high building , knowing I would be doing something I didn 't want to do .

  23. 在此基础上,对引起定位、定深误差的成因作分类讨论、详细分析,并提出避免和减小探测误差的实际应用方法。

    On this basis , a detail analysis on pipeline positioning deviations and depth errors is carried out according to different causes to conclude the practical operations on error reduction and avoidance .

  24. 然后跪在讲坛前头,拦胸交叉起他那双棕色的大手,抬起他那闭着的眼睛,那么深怀诚意地作起祷告,好象跪在海底作祷告。

    then kneeling in the pulpit 's bows , folded his large brown hands across his chest , uplifted his closed eyes , and offered a prayer so deeply devout that he seemed kneeling and praying at the bottom of the sea .

  25. 薄壁不锈钢件的深拉伸由于冷作硬化度很高,每次拉伸后必须进行完全退火后才能继续拉伸,减少拉伸次数至最少是降低成本,占领市场的关键。

    Because of the high manufacturing rigidification of deep stretching for the thin-wall stainless steel cylinder , the stretching process can 't continue without completely annealing after last stretching process . The key of reducing cost and occupying the market is to reduce the time of stretching .