
  • 网络Deep sea drilling;dsdp
  1. 随着深海钻探计划(DSDP)和大洋钻探计划(ODP)的开展,在古海洋学领域取得了许多重大发现。

    With the development of DSDP and ODP , several important results have been achieved in palaeoceanography .

  2. 在这方面,深海钻探(DSDP)大洋钻探(ODP)以及相关的海洋研究计划做出了巨大贡献。

    Great contribution to the field have been made by the Deep Sea Drilling ( DS-DD ) / Ocean Drilling Program ( ODP ) and other related marine science programs .

  3. 南极和北极海域的深海钻探(DSDP)和大洋钻探(ODP)研究所取得的成就是举世瞩目的,为人类研究过去全球变化打开了新的视野。

    Achievements made by Deep Sea Drilling Project ( DSDP ) and Ocean Drilling Program ( ODP ) in the Antarctic and Arctic regions are the focus of world attention , opening a new insight for the past global change study .

  4. 对深海钻探6个月的禁令是为了安全。

    The six-month ban on deepwater drilling is meant for safety .

  5. 这种特征后来为深海钻探所证实。

    This diagnosis has since been confirmed by deep-sea drilling .

  6. 国际深海钻探计划/大洋钻探计划

    International Deep Sea Drilling Project / Ocean Drilling Programme

  7. 但一些环保组织说,为了终止美国对石油的依赖,深海钻探的禁令应该是永久性的。

    But some environmental groups say it should be made permanent to end the nation 's dependence on oil .

  8. 二是深海钻探业务,主要用来开采石油,包括在墨西哥湾和尼日利亚近海的钻井作业。

    The second is deepwater drilling , most significantly for oil , including in the Gulf of Mexico and off Nigeria .

  9. 在近期的危机爆发前,BP一直准备在利比亚深海水域进行钻探,但如今所有计划都已经搁置。

    BP had been preparing to drill in the deepwater off Libya before the recent crisis erupted , but those plans are now on hold .

  10. 墨西哥湾漏油事件提供了一个真切的教训:macondo深海油井的钻探反映出,人们很难找到其它成本较低、且易于实施的选择。

    The real lesson of the Gulf spill is that drilling the deep Macondo well reflected the reality that there are few cheap and easy options elsewhere .

  11. 研究深水油气钻探井筒中的多相流动问题很有必要,对深海油气钻探开发技术具有重要的意义。

    So the study on multi-phase flow in wellbore in deep water drilling is very important .

  12. 随着国内能源需求的增长和陆上石油新增储量越来越少,我国启动深海油气钻探开发计划势在必行。

    With the increasing of domestic energy requirement and decreasing of onshore reserves , China started up the deepwater drilling and developing project .

  13. 深海天然气水合物钻探取心的难点与对策

    Difficulties and countermeasures of gas hydrates coring drilling of marine deep water

  14. 本课题研究的深海取样钻机技术属于深海探测与大洋钻探技术领域。

    Sampling technique of deep-sea drilling machine was introduced in this paper ; it belongs to field of deep-sea exploration technology and ocean drilling technology .