
shēn yuān
  • abyss;deep;chasm;danger;metaphor of the adverse circumstance
深渊 [shēn yuān]
  • (1) [abyss]∶深潭

  • 后墙紧贴着峥嵘的山石,前脸正对着万丈的深渊。--《雨中登泰山》

  • (2) [deep]∶特指海渊

  • 南太平洋上阿尔求斯海深渊

  • (3) [danger]∶比喻险境

  • 如临深渊

  • (4) [metaphor of the adverse circumstance]∶比喻无法摆脱的困境

  • 苦难的深渊

深渊[shēn yuān]
  1. 是美联储(Fed)的干预,将我们从深渊中挽救了回来。

    What pulled us back from the chasm was the intervention of the Federal Reserve Bank .

  2. 在深渊的另一边有一个人很可能是您的兄弟。

    There was a man across the chasm who could have been your brother .

  3. 他们前面是一个巨大的深渊。

    Ahead of them was a gaping abyss .

  4. 德国人担心他们的经济会滑入深渊。

    Germans worry that their economy is going down the plughole .

  5. 他们常常陷入孤独、屈辱和绝望的深渊。

    They frequently plumb the depths of loneliness , humiliation and despair

  6. 我就要陷入罪孽的深渊了。

    I was about to sink into the quicksand of sin

  7. 我的窗外就是垂直深渊。

    There was a sheer drop just outside my window

  8. 孩子生病时我陷入了绝望的深渊之中。

    I was in the depths of despair when the baby was sick .

  9. 他们堕入了罪恶的深渊。

    They are sunk in the depth of vice .

  10. 他处于绝望的深渊。

    He was in the depth of despair .

  11. 他堕入罪恶的深渊。

    He is sunk in the depths of vice .

  12. 这只狮子是个丑怪的斯芬克斯,跟他们一样迷失在这黑暗的深渊里。

    The lion was a monster Sphinx which was astray like them in that Gulf of darkness .

  13. 弗朗茨·卡夫卡曾说过:“写作完全是孤独的,是一个人跌入冰冷的深渊的过程。”

    Franz Kafka once said : " Writing is utter solitude , the descent into the cold abyssof oneself . "

  14. 母亲的批评告诉我,卡夫卡对“冰冷的深渊”的看法是正确的,当你进行写作所要求的内省式的沉降时,你并不总是对你所发现的东西感到满意。

    My mother 's criticism had shown me that Kafka is right about the cold abyss , and when you make the introspectivedescent that writing requires you are not always pleased by what you find .

  15. 他陷入了绝望的深渊

    He is plunging into an abyss of despair .

  16. 从对现实状态的厌弃,进而追求心灵深渊的奇诡乐趣

    From to realistic condition detesting and rejecting , then pursue mind abyss strange pleasure .

  17. 我把他当作小孩一样紧紧抱在怀里,可是我感觉到他径直地向着一个无底深渊沉陷下去,我想法拉住他,却怎么也办不到……

    I was holding him close in my arms as if he were a little child ; and yet it seemed to me that he was rushing headlong toward an abyss from which I could do nothing to restrain him …

  18. 就像诗人克里斯蒂安·威曼(ChristianWiman)在他的著作《我明亮的深渊》(MyBrightAbyss)中所写,

    As the poet Christian Wiman wrote in his masterpiece , " My Bright Abyss , "

  19. 全球股市最近一次滑向深渊的边缘,是因为美联储(Fed)被迫施以援手,策划一次针对美国第五大投资银行贝尔斯登(BearStearns)的拯救行动。

    The latest move towards the edge of the abyss came as the Federal Reserve was forced to help engineer a rescue for Bear Stearns , Wall Street 's fifth-largest investment bank .

  20. 他自己的惊悚小说集《深渊里的潜伏者》(thelurkersintheabyss)将于今年春季由midnighthouse在美国出版发行。

    His own collection of horror stories , the lurkers in the abyss , ( Midnight house ) , is due to be published in the US in the spring .

  21. 普林斯顿(Princeton)教授、前美联储副主席艾伦•布林德(AlanBlinder)表示:在我看来,经济已跌入深渊。

    Alan Blinder , a professor at Princeton and former Fed vice-chairman , said : It looks to me like the economy has fallen off a cliff .

  22. Q.如果在海底最深处——挑战者深渊——挖一个半径10米且通向太空的圆形传送门,那么海水会以多快的速度漏出去?

    Q. How quickly would the oceans drain if a circular portal 10 meters in radius leading into space were created at the bottom of Challenger Deep , the deepest spot in the ocean ?

  23. 他们没有卖掉这家公司,而是让Dade背负更多贷款买下他们的股票,将公司推入破产深渊。

    Rather than sell the company , they then had Dade take out even more loans to buy out their shares , driving the company into bankruptcy .

  24. 在《黑暗骑士》(DarkKnight)三部曲中探索过哥谭市最险恶的深渊,又在《盗梦空间》(Inception)中跨越意识的多重层次之后,导演克里斯托弗·诺兰(ChristopherNolan)接下来能去的地方似乎只有外层空间了。

    After he plumbed the direst depths of Gotham City in his " Dark Knight " trilogy and traversed multiple levels of consciousness in " Inception , " it seems the only place the filmmaker Christopher Nolan could go next was outer space .

  25. 特别是近代社会,帝国主义的入侵和封建主义的束缚,严重阻碍了中国经济与社会的发展,使中国陷入了半殖民地半封建的深渊。

    Thus , China sink into the semicolonial and semifeudal society .

  26. 的心情开始一天天滑向抑郁的深渊。

    Began to slip more and more into pression each day .

  27. 他向这些深渊中的哪一条点头表示同意?

    To which of the gulfs did he nod his head ?

  28. 遭到拒绝使她陷入了绝望的深渊。

    The rejection plunged her into the dark depths of despair .

  29. 使世界陷入了冲突的深渊。

    That is plunging the world into an abyss of conflicts .

  30. 美国经济徘徊在深渊的边缘

    America 's economy teeters on the edge of the abyss .