
zì wǒ
  • self;ego;oneself
自我 [zì wǒ]
  • (1) [self;oneself]∶自己

  • 自我吹嘘

  • (2) [ego]∶与现实有关的个性的意识部分

自我[zì wǒ]
  1. 可莱汉的心理咖啡馆并不只是让人了解自我:它试图帮助这个城市里那些经营困难的社区咖啡馆。

    But Lehanne 's psychology cafe is about more than knowing oneself : It 's trying to help the city 's troubled neighborhood cafes .

  2. Perfectionfatigue(完美疲劳症)指由于不断追求自我完美表现或者因为不断看到完美的图像而引发的精神倦怠或压力。华盖创意视觉趋势总监PamelaGrossman说:

    Perfection fatigue and stress caused by constantly trying to present oneself as perfect , or by constantly seeing images of perfection .

  3. 对孩子表达自我的尝试,你应当加以鼓励。

    You should encourage your child 's attempts at self-expression .

  4. 自我们上次见面以来情况有些变化。

    The situation has changed somewhat since we last met .

  5. 上大学可以算作自我发现之行。

    Going to college can be a voyage of self-discovery .

  6. 你似乎自我评价很高嘛!

    You seem to have a high opinion of yourself !

  7. 和缓的运动锻炼会提高自我放松的能力。

    A gentle form of exercise will increase your ability to relax .

  8. 只有和几个人在一起时,她才能表现出真实的自我。

    Only with a few people could she be her real self .

  9. 她在十多岁时经历了一次自我认同的危机。

    She went through an identity crisis in her teens .

  10. 一种自我保护意识使她没有贸然行动。

    She was held back by some sense of self-preservation .

  11. 戴维辞掉了他那份无聊的工作,走上自我发现的道路。

    David left his boring job to go on a journey of self-discovery .

  12. 超人的第二自我是克拉克∙肯特。

    Superman 's alter ego was Clark Kent .

  13. 这些细胞能自我复制。

    These cells are able to reduplicate themselves .

  14. 保持镇定是一种自我控制活动。

    Staying calm was an exercise in self-control .

  15. 主要论点是资本主义播下了自我毁灭的种子。

    The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction .

  16. 自我是唯一可知的存在物。

    The self is the only knowable existent .

  17. 我们正努力学会走出自我的樊篱,认清我们自身的优势和缺点。

    We are learning to step back from ourselves and identify our strengths and weaknesses .

  18. 她故作轻松地做了自我介绍。

    She introduced herself with studied casualness .

  19. 他作了自我介绍。

    He introduced himself .

  20. 自我上次演出以来已有很长时间了。

    It 's been such a long time since I played .

  21. 我努力活出理想的自我。

    I tried to live up to my ideal of myself .

  22. 谴责很可能会引发对方自我防卫的反应。

    Accusations are likely to put the other person on the defensive

  23. 被自恋症折磨的人会变得只专注于自己的事情,或者不断地自我炫耀。

    Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs .

  24. 他为自己创造了一个自我满足的小小世界。

    He 'd created a tiny , self-sufficient world for himself .

  25. 她需要重新认识到自我的价值。

    She needs to regain a sense of her own worth .

  26. 自己在家锻炼需要很强的自我约束能力。

    Exercising at home alone requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline .

  27. 公司间的竞争过于激烈,自我调节机制已无法发挥作用。

    Competition between companies is too fierce for self-regulation to work .

  28. 他们属于迷惘的一代,想要找寻自我。

    They are a lost generation in search of an identity .

  29. 甘地体现了克己、禁欲和自我约束的美德。

    Gandhi exemplified the virtues of renunciation , asceticism and restraint .

  30. 苏珊和德博拉两个人都极端自私和自我。

    Susan and Deborah share an intensely selfish , egotistic streak .