
  • 网络self-defense;Self Defense;self-defence;ego defense;AW SSD Air Warfare Ship Self Defense
  1. 弗洛伊德的驱力和性心理发展、EROS&THANATOS、精神结构、人格结构、自我防御机制理论是研究自杀的重要依据。

    Sigmund Freud 's theories about drive and psychosexual development , Eros-Thanatos , construction of the mind , construction of the personality , ego defense mechanisms are important theoretical bases for suicide study .

  2. 我的朋友上了一堂自我防御的课程,想在此分享一些她在课堂中学到的知识。

    My friend took a self defense course and wants to share this info that she learned .

  3. RNA干扰(RNAinterference,RNAi)是存在于真核生物体内的一种阻断外源基因表达的自我防御体系。由双链RNA介导,能够特异性的使细胞内与其互补的单链RNA发生降解。

    RNA interference ( RNA interference , RNAi ) is present in the eukaryotic organisms within a self-defense system to block the expression of exogenous genes , which is mediated by double-stranded RNA and enables the specific complementary single RNA degradation .

  4. 德国外长威斯特威勒(GuidoWesterwelle)通过翻译表示,德国的首要任务是帮助阿富汗政府有能力进行自我防御。

    Foreign Minister Westerwelle , heard through an interpreter , said Germany 's priority is helping the Afghan government become capable of defending itself .

  5. 交叉手臂让你显得自我防御,尤其是在回答问题的时候。

    Crossing your arms makes you look defensive , especially when youre answering questions .

  6. 大学生就业心理危机自我防御机制探析

    Exploration and Analysis on Self-defense Mechanism for Psychological Crisis of Employment in College Students

  7. 自我防御机制分析;

    Self - defence mechanism analysis ;

  8. 朝鲜政府希望拥有核武器似乎主要是为了自我防御,而并非为了运用武力。

    Rather than seeking to project power , Pyongyang appears to want weapons principally for self-preservation .

  9. 超级电网计划原因之一是为了自我防御,因为俄罗斯又可能用能源要挟欧洲。

    The defensive reason for the plan is Russia 's inclination to use energy as a lever .

  10. 并不是所有的情绪反应都是一样的自我防御自有一种特色。

    Not all emotional responses are the same the defensive reaction is in a category of its own .

  11. 但是,草幼鱼具有一定的自我防御能力,可以抵抗一定的胁迫。

    However , the juvenile grass carp has self-defense ability of a certain degree to resist stress by themselves .

  12. 对于这项自我防御基本权利的任何限制都会使得我们更依赖政府对我们的保护。

    Any limitation on this fundamental right of self-defense makes us more dependent on our government for our own protection .

  13. 火星跟土星之间的四分相让你的天性中建立出了自我防御的特点,带来了一些人际关系的困难。

    The square between Mars and Saturn sets up a defensiveness in your nature , producing some difficulties in personal relationships .

  14. 有些人不会嚎啕大哭或自我防御,但他们不知道对你所说的作何反应,因为他们实在无法理解你说的话。

    Some people wont cry or get defensive , but they dont know how to act on what youre saying , because youre not really getting through to them .

  15. 要使灾害发生率越小,灾害对象及环境自我防御能力的增强应是最强大的武器,当然,灾害的事前管理就成为了最有效的措施。

    To reduce the disaster incidence , the strongest weapon is reinforcing the self-defense ability to the disasters object and environment . Of course , prior management become the most effective measures .

  16. 只不过我们有着完善的自我防御系统,能够迅速识别这些变异的细胞,并且在他们还没有真正成为癌细胞的时候就被身体的防卫机制摧毁。

    That sounds alarming , but fortunately our natural defence mechanisms will usually stop the mutation in its tracks by destroying the mutant cell before it can grow into a full-blown tumour .

  17. 自我防御并不是人们学习武术的唯一理由,我喜欢武术是因为它能教我怎么自律,帮我放松精神,并且强身健体。

    Self-defense isn 't the only reason why people practice martial arts . I like it because it teaches me self-discipline , helps me relax , and gives me a great work out .

  18. 在这样一种孤立的境地里,泰穆尔无法足够冷静地面对外界对她的大量批评,而似乎躲进了一个自我防御的堡垒。

    In her isolated position , the director was unable to respond dispassionately enough to the criticism heaped on her by others . Instead , she seems to have lapsed into defensive stonewalling .

  19. 这就容易把另一个人放到一个自我防御的境地,把原本以拜访为出发点的事情变成了一个对质,而在这种情况下表达出来的言语和感情也是毫无帮助的。

    This tends to put the other person in a defensive status and what may have started out as a visit turns into a confrontation , with words and emotions expressed that are not helpful .

  20. 在春天的繁殖期,经常会有野兔相互搏击;野兔并不像它的同族家兔那样,在洞穴产育幼崽,而是自己筑巢,野兔宝宝在很小的时候就已有自我防御能力。

    They are often seen boxing each other during breeding seasons in the spring , and they produce their young in nests instead of burrows like their rabbit cousins . Hare babies can see and defend themselves from an early age .

  21. 随着社会阶层的降低,模仿的需要、实用的需要随之变得强烈,而自主的需要、依赖外界的需要、自我防御的需要、求新猎奇的需要、影响外界的需要随之变弱。

    As social class lowers , the needs of imitating and the practical needs becomes stronger , and autonomous needs , the needs of dependent on the outside world , self-defense needs , the needs for pursuit of fresh and the need for affecting outside becomes weaker . 3 .

  22. 是的在梦境中意识的防御会降低这使你的思想易于被偷窃这就叫盗梦齐藤先生我们可以训练你的潜意识教它自我防御哪怕对方是最厉害的盗梦者你怎么做得到?

    Yes . In the dream state , your conscious defenses are lowered ... and that makes your thoughts vulnerable to theft . It 's called extraction . Mr. Saito , we can train your subconscious to defend itself ...... from even the most skilled extractor . How can you do that ?

  23. 大学生可以运用自我认知策略、自我心理防御机制、身体调节策略和问题定向应对策略来消减自己的焦虑心理。

    University students can utilize self-cognition strategy , self-psychology defense mechanism , body-regulation strategy and strategy of directional reply to problem to diminish psychological anxiety .

  24. 当自我感到焦虑,自我会发动防御机制,采取防御措施来应对无法忍受的焦虑。

    When ego feels anxiety , it starts the defense system and takes defense mechanism to cope with the unbearable anxiety .