
  • 网络The Will to Power;der Wille zur Macht;Wille zur Macht
  1. 论尼采的强力意志主体性后物理思想

    On Nietzsche ' Subjective Metaphysical Thinking of " Will to Power "

  2. 按照海德格尔的话来说,尼采通过强力意志而把一种在后物理学上必然的主体主义带向来完成。

    According to the words of Heidegger , Nietzsche through the " will to power " and to an inevitable post-physics has been completed with the main doctrine .

  3. 鲁迅早期认为尼采是强力意志的鼓吹者、超人的赞颂者和西方近代文明的批评者。

    Luxun considered Nietzsche as an advocator for " der Wille zur Macht " and "ü bermensch ", and a criticizer to western modern culture in the early period .

  4. 尼采主张对人生的审美态度,提出了“强力意志”、“酒神精神”等命题,但是其审美主义致力于“审美形而上学”而忽略生活。

    Nietzsche advocates an aesthetic attitude to life and puts forward ideas of " will to power " and " the Dionysian spirit ", but he thinks highly of " aesthetic metaphysics " and neglects life .

  5. 强力意志以身体作为载体,以存在和生成的同一性作为其本质,基于其生成&存在的本性,它总是趋向更高层次的强力。

    Strong will " to the body as a carrier , and to generated by the existence and nature of identity as part of its . On the basis of their " generation - the existence of the nature . It is always a strong trend of a higher level .

  6. 人本质上是社会性的存在,社会成员之间存在着两种基本关系,即强力关系和意志关系,暴力的垄断是法产生的原因,先有暴力垄断,后有法律。

    The author 's idea is that human is the being with society essentially and there are both kinds of relations between social members , i.e.the relations of power and of will , the monopolization of violence is the source of law , firstly is the monopolization and law secondly .