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qiánɡ jiàn yǒu lì
  • powerful;husk
  1. 强健有力,带有适当的角度和强健的低位驸关节。从技术角度出发,优化现有LED产品,减低成本。

    Powerful , muscular with moderate angulation and strong lower-set hocks . Lead cost down activity on existing LED product from engineering standpoint .

  2. 自由运动也会强健有力,生气勃勃。

    The freedom movement will be strong and vital and vigorous .

  3. 他的整个后躯显示出强健有力,且驱动力强大。

    His whole rear assembly suggests strength and driving power .

  4. 他又高又瘦,皮肤坚韧,饱受风霜,而且强健有力。

    He was rangy , leathery , sun-baked and virile .

  5. 她的强健有力的左手把玛丽的下巴往后推。

    Her powerful left arm pushes Marie 's chin back .

  6. 所有的听众被她强健有力的声音所震撼。

    Everyone was amazed by her powerful voice .

  7. 倚傍着撑架的肩肌、手臂、手掌,是那么强健有力。

    My shoulder muscles , arms and hands were powerful and muscular from the crutches .

  8. 他四肢强健有力。

    He has powerful arms and legs .

  9. 和男性所不同的是,70岁女性的心脏和20岁时一样强健有力。

    Unlike men , they pump just as strongly at 70 as they do at 20 .

  10. 为了使猎狼状态保持良好而且骨骼肌肉强健有力,经常的运动是必须的。

    In order to keep a Borzoi in condition and good muscle tone , regular exercise is necessary .

  11. 以强健有力的思想政治工作为决战决胜九运会汇聚精神力量

    Flock the Spirit Power with the Powerful Ideological and Political Work for Determine the Victory in the 9th Sports Game

  12. 用一冲坏了的自行车的零件,毕加索能够组成一个强健有力的牛头,一个受人喜爱的题材。

    Using the parts of a wrecked bicycle , Picasso could make a forceful bull 's head , a favorite subject .

  13. 这张喀拉哈里沙漠猫鼬的局部特写照片显示出其强健有力的耙子状爪子,这是其适应洞穴生活的一项重要特征。

    A close-up of meerkat in the Kalahari Desert shows its sturdy , rakelike claws , an important adaptation for their tunneling lifestyle .

  14. 想到美洲虎,就可能想到一只皮毛光滑、危险、快速和肌肉强健有力的黑猫在抓捕猎物。

    Think Jaguar , and we picture the sleek , dangerous , fast and powerful black cat with rippling muscles leaping after its prey .

  15. 去年秋天访问了泰国并与其恢复旧日的邦交,在那里我们见证了古老的传统与强健有力的商业精神的完美结合。

    In the autumn we went to Thailand , where we renewed old friendships and witnessed the blending of tradition with a dynamic commercial spirit .

  16. 圣地亚哥是古巴的一个老渔夫,他年轻时非常出色,强健有力,他曾经和一个黑人比赛掰腕子,比了一天一夜,最后终于战胜了对手。

    Santiago is a Cuban old fisherman , he was young very good , strong and effective , he had a black hand wrestling match than a day and a night and finally beat the opponent .

  17. 颈部长度适度,强健有力,微显弓形并且逐渐加宽延伸至肩部。批量短纤维强伸度测量不确定度的评定

    The neck is of good length , strong and muscular , slightly arched and broadening to the shoulders , without throatiness or coarseness . Evaluation of the Uncertainty on the Measurement of Strength and Elongation for Batches of Staple Fibers

  18. 强健而有力的穷人,胜过受疾病折磨,而虚弱的富人。

    Better is a poor man who is sound , and strong of constitution , than a rich man who is weak and afflicted with evils .

  19. 他们飞得很快,腿直着向身后伸展着,长长的白脖子探在前面,强健的翅膀有力而稳健地扇动着。

    They flew swiftly , their legs stretched out straight behind , their long white necks stretched out ahead , their powerful wings beating steady and strong .