
  • emphatic sentence;it is older people who creat it.;It is … that
  1. 另外,一些句法结构比如分裂句、认知动词的进行体、反义疑问句、强调句、比较句和否定句等在某些特定的情况下也可以实现评价价值。

    Besides this , appraisal resources can also be realized through " cleft sentence ", " the ing-form of some cognitive verbs ", " disjunctive question ", " emphatic sentence ", " comparative sentence " and " total negation " due to certain situations .

  2. 有关it强调句的几个特殊问题

    On Some Special Questions about " It Cleft-sentence "

  3. 老师,我想用强调句表述:正是心里的不健康,使得他们做出如此愚蠢的事情。

    It is the unhealthy mentality that makes them do the so stupid things .

  4. 用以强调句中任何部分

    Used to emphasize any part of a sentence

  5. 就是在昨天,智利33名被困矿工获救。(强调句)

    Chile's33 trapped miners were rescued .

  6. 直到18世纪初,这一事件的意义才为公众所熟悉。强调句。

    It was not until the early18th century that the significance of the event was generally realized .

  7. 这是一个强调句,带来巨大希望的正是这个正在开放的群众消费市场的规模。

    But it is the scale of the mass consumer market that is opening up , * , which is raising the biggest hopes .

  8. 独龙语的长元音有两种功能:一是标记强调句的施事和工具名词,这是一种后起的语法形式,起着与格助词相当的功能。

    In Dulong language , the long vowels have two functions : One is to indicate nouns as agents or instruments in emphasized sentences , which is a new function , corresponding to case auxilary .

  9. 强调主题句的重要作用以及灵活使用连接词对文章连贯所起到的锦上添花的作用。

    The importance of writing topic sentence and flexibly using the linking words are emphasized .

  10. 也/都强调紧缩句研究

    Studies on ye / douStressful Contraction Sentences

  11. 首先,我要强调一句古老的格言:“你得到你所支付”。

    Firstly , I would like to underline the old adage " You get what you pay for " .

  12. 他强调观察句具有相对独立的经验意义,理论是在经验的基础上建构的。

    He emphasizes that observation sentence bears relatively independent experimental meaning , and theories are formed on the basis of experiences .

  13. 韩礼德重点强调小句的作用,尤其是通过主位结构传递信息的功能。

    Halliday pays more attention to the functions of clause , especially the clause as message , which is realized by Thematic Structure ( T-R structure ) .

  14. 在此,我要强调一句。我并不是在主张物价下降是好事;严重的通缩螺旋无疑很危险。

    Now , let me stress that I am not trying to argue that price falls are a good thing ; a severe deflationary spiral is clearly dangerous .

  15. 回答问题时,希拉里有时会睁大眼睛强调一句话;其它一些时候,她似乎会随意地分开双手比划,好像在展示一条鱼的大小。

    When answering , Clinton sometimes opens her eyes wide as she emphasises a phrase ; at other moments , seemingly at random , she pulls her hands apart as if demonstrating the size of a fish .

  16. 为了得到特殊的强调或者延伸句义的重复。

    Repetition to gain special emphasis or extend meaning .

  17. 他们强调了这句话里的每一个字。”

    And they put an emphasis on every word in that sentence . "

  18. 另一种观点则强调了那句老话&细节决定成败。

    Another school of thought emphasizes on the common adage – the devil is in the details .

  19. 另一种观点则强调了那句老话——“细节决定成败”。换言之,在理解并脚踏实地地塑造现实上,领导者必须亲力亲为。

    Another school of thought emphasizes on the common adage - " the devil is in the details . " In other words , business leaders need to be hands-on when it comes to understanding and shaping the realities on the ground .

  20. 音频没有蓄意的强调,但每句话都能同孤立子共振,使我身心为之所动。

    No deliberate emphasis on audio , but every sentence can make the soliton resonance , so my soul and body is excited .

  21. 强调式施动句的形成原因与该语言的分析性特点,包括谓语动词的形态状况、谓语动词与施受者的关系以及语序等因素有密切关系。

    Specifically , it is closely related to the morphology and state of the verb ; the relationship between the verb , the actor and the patient ; and word order in the sentence .

  22. 强调作为突出内容的手段从句子层面来说有整句强调和句内强调两种。

    As a method to emphasize the content , emphasis may have two kinds of patterns when it comes to sentences : emphatic sentences and emphasis within the sentence .

  23. 忻州方言强调程度的形+哩+没+名句式因为强调“我的儿子”最小.个人感觉要用强调句的格式。

    The Sentence Pattern of " adj . + li + no + noun " for the Emphasis of Degree in Xinzhou Dialect ; It is my son the youngest in this room .