
  • 网络verbal phrases;verb phrase
  1. 本章主要分析了名词性短语、动词性短语、形容词性短语的语序类型及其特征。

    It is mainly analyzed to the word order and characteristic of noun phrase , verb phrase and adjective phrase in the chapter .

  2. V就VP格式是现代汉语口语中比较常见的一种格式,具体来讲就是指一个动词和以该动词为中心的动词性短语组合,中间插入一个副词就组成的结构。

    " V jiu VP " is a common format in the modern Chinese spoken language formats , and the structure of the composition refers to a verb and the verb as the center of the verb phrase combinations to insert an adverb " jiu " .

  3. (动词性短语)我盼望着能自己一人待在这所房子里。

    Eg. I look forward to being alone in the house .

  4. (动词性短语)她决定依靠自己的力量干下去。

    Eg. She decided to go ahead on her own .

  5. 根据我的推测,他现在应该已经到台北了。(动词性短语).

    Eg. According to my calculation , he should be in Taipei by now

  6. 动词性短语与动词的功能比较

    Functional Comparison Between Verbal Phrases and Verbs

  7. 论动词性粘着短语英语介词短语的名词性功用

    Nominal Uses of English Prepositional Phrase

  8. 论动词性粘着短语

    The Verbal Bound Phrase

  9. 两者都可以连接名词、代词、名词性短语等体词性成分、也可连接动词、形容词、动词性短语和形容词性短语等谓词性成分。其次,比较两者句法分布差异并分析原因。

    Both can connect a noun , pronoun , noun phrases and other substantive components . It also can link verbs , adjectives , verbal phrase and adjective phrases and other predicative components . Second , compare the differences and reasons of two syntactic distribution .

  10. 本章试从比较项即比较主体和比较对象的形态入手,分别论述由名词、动词、形容词以及动词性短语和形容词性短语充当比较项时,韩汉比较句的异同。

    This chapter tries to compare items , comparing the results of the form start , respectively , discussed by the noun , verb , adjective and verb phrases and adjective phrases as items and compare the results compared , similarities and differences between Korean and Chinese comparative sentences .