
  • 网络animal story;Animal Tales
  1. 小孩们为动物故事所着迷。

    The children were captivated by the animal story .

  2. 这部小说超越了简单的动物故事而具有了文学的严肃性,其思想之深刻使之成为了现代美国文学的经典。

    The novel surpasses being a mere animal story to be a piece of serious literary work . The profundity of its ideas makes it a canon in modern American literature .

  3. 其艺术方式有三:一是典型的寓言诗,以动物故事寄托政治见解;

    The first one is that Wang expounds his political ideas by animal stories .

  4. 事实上,这篇小说可以,而且常常也是被人作为一个惊险的动物故事来读的。

    In fact , the story could be , and is often read as a thrilling animal tale .

  5. 达斡尔族民间故事包括幻想故事、动物故事、生活故事、机智人物故事。

    Daur folktales include the fantastic tales , the animal stories , the life stories , the resource character stories .

  6. 主要有佛教故事?灵验故事?动物故事?历史故事?世俗故事等等。

    Mainly about Buddhist story , animal story , efficacious story , story of history , secular story and so on .

  7. 比如,如果你的孩子喜欢动物故事,你就可以找一些关于动物、动物园和野外生活的报道文章给孩子看。

    For example , if your child loves stories about animals , show him a newspaper article about animals , zoos , or wildlife .

  8. 对这些动物故事的描述,“真实”地反映了当时人们的精神世界,是当时社会思想发展的一个最有力证明。

    These animal tales reflect authentically people 's spiritual world of the times , which strongly proves the development of thinking in the society .

  9. 《太平广记》中的动物故事,以狐为最多,有九卷;其次是龙与虎,各为八卷。

    The animal stories in " Taiping Collections ", to Fox is a maximum , there are nine volumes ; followed by the dragon and tiger , each for eight volumes .

  10. 读着迪斯尼乐园中那些富有人情味的动物故事长大的绝大多数人,都会认为这两种猜测是正确的,而且更使他们确信动物能感受到如人类一般的强烈情感。

    Most people , raised on Disney versions of sentient and passionate beasts , would say that these tales , both true , simply confirm their suspicions that animals can feel intense , humanlike emotions .

  11. 也是个关于在大规模的物种灭绝时代如何保护野生动物的故事。

    This is the story of wildlife conservation in the age of mass   extinction .

  12. 首先它的剧本是改编自中国畅销书,但却是由法国导演让·雅克·阿诺(Jean-JacquesAnnaud)执导的,他曾经拍摄过记录野生动物的故事。

    It is based on a Chinese best-seller , but is directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud , a French director with a track record for incorporating wild animals in his stories .

  13. 而这些信仰痕迹,也渗透在两国动物信仰故事的字里行间。

    These beliefs also permeate in two countries ' fairy stories .

  14. 人们都爱告诉我他们见过的动物的故事。

    people tell me their stories of the animals that they have met .

  15. 这就是这群聪明、漂亮又无辜的动物的故事。

    So that is the story of the smart , beautiful , innocent animals .

  16. 我喜欢读关于动物的故事。

    I like reading the stories about animals .

  17. 他是个讲故事的好手,常编一些农夫和动物的故事。

    He was a good story-teller and used to make up tales about farmers and animals .

  18. 这五种动物的故事最终殊途同归,都揭示了这部影片的宏大主题:电影《狮子王》式的生生不息。

    The five animals " narratives eventually meet to reveal the grand theme of the film : the Lion King-esque circle of life .

  19. 《母猪女郎》与《变形记》在故事类型上有相似之处,都采用了人变动物的故事类型;在主题上,也都涉及到现代社会中的异化问题。

    There are some similarities between 《 Sow Sheila 》 and 《 Deformation Notes 》: They all adopt the story style of human becoming animal and touch down to dissimilation issue in modern society .

  20. 用人类肉食动物的故事自娱自乐容易使我们联想到那种没有经历过自然世界真正危险的原始兽性。最后,精神病学家兼哈佛教授罗恩·苏雷顿表示,我们对精神病患者的迷恋正如被恐怖片和坐过山车吸引一般。

    Entertaining ourselves with the stories of human predators allows us to relate with our primal , animalistic selves without experiencing the real danger of the natural world.Finally , psychiatrist and Harvard professor Ron Schouten says that our draw to psychopaths is similar to our attraction to horror movies or roller coasters .

  21. 你知道什么动物人物的故事吗?

    Do you know any stories with animals as characters ?

  22. 我还想分享一下关于动物爱情的故事。

    I would also like to tell the world that animals love .

  23. 多给我讲一些森林中跳跃动物的有趣故事。

    Tell me more juicy stores about the jumping animals in the jungle .

  24. 动物庄园乔治·奥威尔故事发生在曼纳庄园里。

    Animal Farm by George Orwell

  25. 我还想分享一下关于动物爱情的故事。世界上任何一种动物都不会饥不择食地寻找活物进行交配。

    I would also like to tell the world that animals love . There 's not an animal on this planet that will copulate with anything that comes along .

  26. 《动物农庄》的故事发生在一个时间不是很明确的时期。

    Animal Farm is set in an unspecified time period .

  27. 《黑美人》,第一部著名的题材为动物的儿童英语故事书,对后世作品影响深远。

    Black Beauty , the first significant children 's story in the English language to focus on animal characters , established the precedent for countless other works .

  28. 在观影前,我以为这是一部探索频道式的纪录片,但后来,我却惊喜地发现,这是一部有剧情的电影,它讲述了五种动物命运交错的故事。

    I went to the theater with expectations of a Discovery-style documentary , but was surprised to be met with a drama-like feature , which focused on five animals " * intertwining tales .

  29. “这是寓言家伊索——这些动人小故事的作者——经常在动物和动物间关系故事中表达的内容,”他说。

    " This is Aesop , the fabulist , the man of these charming little tales , often told in terms of animals and animal relationships , " he says .