
dònɡ bǔ jié ɡòu
  • verb-complement construction
  1. 连动结构可以被视为一个以V1为核心的动补结构,V2充其量只是V1或VP1的补足语,表示结果、状态或目的。

    Serial verb construction can be regarded as a verb-complement construction , V2 is only the complement of V1 or VP1 to represent result , state or goal .

  2. 谓语形容词和动补结构中补语词性的再审视&以分布形态学为视角与大量动词、名词、形容词、副词连用

    A Distributed Morphology Thought on Part of Speech of the Predicate " Adjective " and the Verb-complement Construction ; used fairly widely with vs , ns , adjs and advs

  3. 不不能与动补结构(V-deconstruction)中表方式的修饰语(mannerphrase)连用。

    Incompatibility between Bu and manner phrase in V-de construction .

  4. 动补结构的历史来源及其发展过程探析

    Probing into the Historical Origin and Development Process of the Verb-Complement Structure

  5. 从事件结构理论角度看汉语动补结构

    On Chinese Resultative Verb Construction & An Event Structure Perspective

  6. 动补结构的语义和语法顺序体现时间顺序原则。

    The semantic and syntactic orders of VC embody the temporal order .

  7. 汉语儿童早期动补结构习得个案研究对动词+来/去动补结构带宾句式及动词的考察

    A Case Study on Early Acquisition of Mandarin-speaking Children 's Verb-complement Constructions

  8. 古汉语动补结构的语义分析&兼谈驾驭动补结构的线索

    The Semantic Analysis of the V-C Structure in Old Chinese

  9. 动补结构与复合动词不能混而为一;

    Verb complement construction and compound verb are different ;

  10. 历时的句法比较将使我们清楚地看到动补结构这种特殊的句法结构的发展演变脉络。

    Diachronic syntactic comparison will clearly show the development sequence of this special structure .

  11. 受朝鲜语没有动补结构的影响。

    No verb-complement structure in Korean language ;

  12. 争取适应补助金的骚动成倍增长。汉语儿童早期动补结构习得个案研究

    The agitation for adjusted compensation redoubled . A Case Study on Early Acquisition of Mandarin-speaking Children 's Verb-complement Constructions

  13. 汉语动补结构是现代汉语语法研究中最为热门的研究课题之一。

    The Chinese resultative construction is one of the most popular research topics in Chinese grammar in modern times .

  14. 动补结构的产生与发展,是汉语语法史上的一件大事,它使汉语的表达更加精密。

    The emergence and development of verb-complement structure is of great significance in Chinese language evolution in providing much precise expressions .

  15. 第七章是简单结构,包括语序、疑问句、被动句、动补结构和比较结构。

    Chapter seven is about simple construction , including constituent order , interrogative , passive sentence , resultative construction and comparative construction .

  16. 汉语动补结构的产生与发展,一直是汉语语法史研究的重点问题。

    The production and development of Chinese verb compliment structure are always the focus problems in the study of the Chinese grammar history .

  17. 感官动词“摸”所构成的动补结构“摸起来”、“摸上去”,二者在语义、句法、语用、单位性质等方面存在着异同。

    We can regard them as phrases or phrases which are developing into words according to different meaning in respect of syntactical unit nature .

  18. 根据述补结构中充当述语的成分的性质,述补结构可以分为动补结构和形补结构。

    According to the character of adnex in Predicate-complement Structure , Predicate-complement Structure can be divided into Moving fill structure and Patterns complement structure .

  19. 把否定焦点分成对比否定焦点和自然否定焦点,对动补结构的否定焦点作了考察;

    This paper divides the negative focus into the contrastive focus and the natural focus , and investigates the distributing position of the negative words .

  20. 王力先生提出了从形式和意义两方面来判断动补结构的标准,但是,形式和意义两个标准必须有机地统一。

    Wang Li proposed the criteria for judging the verb-complement structure by its form and its meaning , two criteria that should be well integrated .

  21. 第三章重点探讨了在动补结构发展为高度能产句法格式对比字句的信息排列带来影响后比字句依然继续发展的原因。

    Chapter 3 discusses the effect on the development of " bi " sentence by the rise of the structure combining a verb and its complementary .

  22. 动补结构的形成对汉语语法的发展产生了深远的影响,由它而带来的一系列变化是现代汉语语法系统建立的关键因素。

    The formation of the resultative construction had a far-reaching effect on the development of Chinese Grammar , which significantly shaped the system of Modern Chinese Grammar .

  23. 另一方面,我们主要选取了俄、汉语研究中具有代表性的具体问题进行研究:一为俄语中动词体变体意义的研究,一为汉语中动补结构的分类研究。

    For another , we mainly select specific issues in Russian and Chinese : one is variant meaning of verbal aspects in Russian , another is the classification of V-complement structure in Chinese .

  24. 近代汉语动宾补结构

    The " Verb-object-complement " Structure in Chinese Language of Near-modern Times

  25. 论动·补十宾结构的特点

    Discuss the Characteristic of the Structure of Verb , Complement Plus Object

  26. 动·补·宾结构的语义指向分析

    Analysis of the Semantic Direction of V-C-O Structure

  27. 文章讨论的是动·补·宾结构。

    The paper discusses the V-C-O structure .

  28. 通过句法分析、变换句式等方法,深入剖析动·补·宾结构中的粘合性补语的语义指向。

    It makes a synthetic analysis of the semantic direction of agglutinate quality complements through the ways of syntax analysis , transformation and so on .

  29. 分析佤语动词的动宾结构与动补结构。

    Analysis of the Vax language verb verb-object structure and dynamic make up the structure .

  30. 现代汉语界对动词连用结构的考察主要集中在动宾、动补和连动等结构上,而对状中结构的研究比较少。

    The study on the successive using of verbs in modern Chinese often focuses on verb-object and verb-complement structures , rarely on verb-adverbial structure .