
qū xiànɡ bǔ yǔ
  • directional complement
  1. 另外,在很多语言中都没有趋向补语这一语法项目,以致趋向补语成为留学生学习的难点之一。

    Moreover , there is no syntactic item of directional complement in many other languages . Therefore the directional complement is also difficulty .

  2. 趋向补语的教学一直是对外汉语的重点和难点。

    For the teaching of Chinese language to the Japanese students , Directional complement has been the key point and also the most difficult part .

  3. 外国人学习汉语的时候,补语是一个大难点,而补语中的趋向补语是难点中的重点,也是对外汉语中的教学重点,更是HSK考试中的重点。

    When the Foreigners learn Chinese , the complement is a major difficulty , and the directional complement is a key of the difficulty , and also the key in foreign Chinese teaching and the HSK examination .

  4. 动词后趋向补语和宾语的位置问题

    Concerning the verbal complement of direction and the position of object

  5. 在现代汉语中,趋向补语是各类补语里具有较强特色和特殊性的一类。

    In modern Chinese , the directional complements are rather special .

  6. 复合趋向补语的引申意义有其认知上的理据。

    The extensional meaning of compound directional complement has its cognitive basis .

  7. 英语母语学习者趋向补语的习得顺序&基于汉语中介语语料库的研究

    Sequence of acquiring the directional complement by English speaking learners of Chinese

  8. 述补(趋向补语)短语的自由和粘着问题

    Some Remarks on the Free and Bound Directional Complement Phrases

  9. 趋向补语的语义特征和句法功能

    The Semantic Characteristics and the Function of Sentence Structure of the Directional Complement

  10. 汉语趋向补语与法语相关表述的比较

    A Comparative Study on the Directional Complements in Chinese and the Equivalants in French

  11. 论趋向补语和宾语的位置

    The Position of Directional Complements and Objects

  12. 复合趋向补语引申用法的语义解释

    On Extensional Uses of Compound Directional Complement

  13. 与来相同,在自动词后面的去1,我们至今很难认定它就是趋向补语了。

    It is difficult to make sure thatQu_1after intransitive verb is directional complement same as Laias yet .

  14. 始继类趋向补语都可以转化为否定式,但是始继类趋向补语与续段类趋向补语的否定所表达的语义特征却又是完全不同的。

    All the 8 directional complements can transform to negative , but the semantic features is different .

  15. 因此,对趋向补语的深入了解和研究将会加深对整个汉语语法系统的认识。

    An Investigation of the Speech Processing Strategies Used by Korean Learners While Acquiring Chinese Directional Complements ;

  16. 本文第五章研究复合趋向补语中来的位置与现时相关性的关系。

    Chapter five concentrates on the current relevance of sentence final ' lai ' in composite directional complements .

  17. 趋向补语是由趋向词构成,放在动词之后表示一种趋向结果状态的补语。

    Complement is a trend of words which , on the verb indicates a trend result s state complement .

  18. 趋向补语是汉语补语重要类型之一,其他语言中很少有类似的语言现象。

    Directional Complement is one of the features of Chinese . There are few relative language phenomena in other languages .

  19. 本文试图从语义角度对复合趋向补语的引申用法做一个比较系统的解释。

    This paper makes a systematical analysis on the extensional use of the compound directional complement from a semantic perspective .

  20. 现代汉语的很多介词和相当一部分结果补语、趋向补语是由动词虚化而来的。

    Many prepositions and large quantities of complements of results and direction in modern Chinese results from the grammaticalization of verbs .

  21. 结构上的偏误又分两种,简单趋向补语和宾语位置的错误、复合趋向补语和宾语位置的错误。

    Structure error is divided into two kinds : the place error of the simple complements of direction and the objective ;

  22. 其次,运用结构主义理论从语义、语用等角度对非处所宾语与复合趋向补语同现时的语序进行分析,描写与解释相结合。

    Then , from semantic and pragmatic aspects , it descriptively analyzes the word order of non-locative objects and compound directional complements .

  23. 复合趋向补语和非处所宾语的位置问题,学者们已经作过许多研究。

    The thesis analyses the issues about the sequences between the compound complements of direction and non-location objects using the linguistic theories .

  24. 据《现代汉语句型统计与研究》小组的统计,结果补语位于汉语使用者补语使用频率的第二位,仅次于趋向补语。

    According to Statistics and Research of Drills of Modern Chinese , the frequency the complement of result is the second in Chinese .

  25. 无论宾语是表示处所的,还是非处所的,被试在习得简单趋向补语时,错误率都比较高。

    Whether the object of the premises , or non-premises , students acquisition on simple complements of direction is relatively high error rate .

  26. 最后,笔者把分析的成果运用到了教学实践指导当中,并对学生学习趋向补语时所采用的方法和教师的教学对策提出了一些较为合理的建议。

    Finally , we apply the theory to practice instruction , and then put forward some reasonable suggestions for the Chinese teachers and learners .

  27. 趋向补语是汉语语法中的难点,也是留学生习得汉语语法的重点。

    Complements of direction is one of the emphases in Chinese grammar . It is one of the difficulties in foreign students studying Chinese .

  28. 采用语料分析的研究方法,进行数据统计,以期找到这五个复合趋向补语和宾语共现时的位置规律。

    In my research I analyzed the corpus to find the rule governing the use of these five Compound Directional Complements and objects together .

  29. 汉语中的趋向补语是语法中很重要,也是比较难的语法点,通常学生在理解时会有困难。

    Chinese Directional Complements are grammar is very important , but also more difficult grammar point , usually the students understand there will be difficulties .

  30. 在我们自建的67万字越南留学生汉语中介语语料库中,越南留学生在趋向补语的习得过程中频频出现问题。

    In our sixty-seven million words corpus of Chinese Inter-language of Vietnamese students , we found that Vietnamese students always make mistakes in directional complement learning .