
xiǎo liǎng kǒu
  • young couple
小两口 [xiǎo liǎng kǒu]
  • [young couple] 指青年夫妇

小两口[xiǎo liǎng kǒu]
  1. 小两口决定要个孩子。

    The young couple decided to have a child .

  2. 那小两口儿真是天生的一对儿。

    That young couple were meant for each other .

  3. 小两口儿很相配。

    The young couple are a perfect match .

  4. 小两口儿日子过得挺肥实。

    The young couple live in affluence .

  5. Honey指的是蜂蜜酒,也就是小两口躲起来时会喝的饮料。

    The " honey " part refers to mead , a drink that the couple would have while they were hiding .

  6. 新婚不久的GraceLai回忆自己的母亲曾暗示他们小两口自己住会“有趣”,但她自己基本没有过这种怀疑。

    The newly-wed Mrs Lai recalls her mother once suggesting it was " funny " to live separately but has little time for such doubts herself .

  7. 务实的小两口原本打算是去租一套礼服的。

    The pragmatic bride-to-be initially planned to rent a gown .

  8. 哎呀你小两口闹别扭了吗

    Woo-hoo ! Have you two had a little domestic ?

  9. 再也听不到你们小两口拌嘴了。

    I don 't hear you guys fighting any more .

  10. 然后小两口儿就接着去度蜜月了。

    And then the couple go on their honeymoon .

  11. 你们小两口可真般配

    Don 't you two make a cute couple ?

  12. 这对刚结婚的小两口,一直在欧洲旅游。

    The happy twosome , who got hitched have been traveling in Europe .

  13. 每个人都希望分享你们小两口的甜蜜。

    You want everybody there to share your joy .

  14. 小两口过得挺和美。

    The young couple get along quite happily .

  15. 小两口羞愧地垂下了头。

    In shame the two hung their heads .

  16. 我们提倡所有的小两口都能靠自己的双手构建家园。

    We think every young couple should set up a home of their own .

  17. 你小两口闹别扭了吗?

    Have you two had a little domestic ?

  18. 保持交流的小两口,感情美满的可能性要高出62%。

    Couples who communicate are 62 % more likely to describe their relationship as happy .

  19. 如今我很高兴地说,小两口似乎确实采纳了我的建议了。

    And I 'm glad to say that the young couple seemed to take that advice .

  20. 乔伊吃醋,和钱德像小两口一样争吵。钱德发现他和艾迪性格不合,缺乏共同爱好。

    Chandler finds out that he does really have that much in common with Eddie after all .

  21. 请告诉你的朋友,不要心烦,这对小两口会好好生活,他们会负起责任。

    Please tell your friend not to be upset , the couple will live well and they are responsible .

  22. 本周,这位准爸爸称他们小两口还不知道肚子里宝宝的性别。

    Comments from the father-to-be this week suggest the couple do not yet know the gender of their unborn baby .

  23. 在周日晚上的全美音乐奖后小两口被拍到一起出现在市区的万豪酒店。

    The young pair were pictured at the Marriott Hotel in Downtown following the American Music Awards on Sunday night .

  24. 昨日,小两口开了个电话会议,旨在交流心得,增进感情,促进爱情。

    Yesterday , the young couple had a teleconference to tell each other what he or she learned from life , love , etc.

  25. 虽然丹尼尔目前财力雄厚,但小两口这周依然穿着平常服装在街头漫步。

    Despite Radcliffe 's hefty bank balance the couple enjoyed an low-key stroll earlier this week and both were dressed in casual clothing .

  26. 小两口儿开车离开教堂时,朋友们常常开车追赶他们,不停地按喇叭,引他们注意。

    When the couple drives away from the church , friends often chase them in cars , honking and drawing attention to them .

  27. 昨天她还去选了一盆草,要我放在屋子里,还有点小两口过日子的感觉,很爱这份甜蜜。

    Yesterday , she picked a tub of grass and laid to my room , it felt young couple were living , how sweet it is .

  28. 爱情正如做生意,情侣两人各向这份投下自己的感情,期望将来会是幸福美满的小两口生活。

    Love is a kind of business , in which the couple each put in their shares , from which they wish to see a prosperous enterprise .

  29. 茶客们从看上去已经八十好几的老人到带着孩子的小两口,还有各种中年人,什么年纪的都有。

    People in the tea house were of all ages – some seemingly well into their eighties , others young couples with children , and then everything in between .

  30. 美国小两口美国大部分年轻夫妻都共同承担家里和家外的责任和义务。

    usually , cultures , beneath , in other words Most young married couples in the United States share their duties and responsibilities both inside and outside the home .