
  • 网络Novel Aesthetics;aesthetics of fiction;Aeethetics of Fiction
  1. 人生命运的表达是小说美学的基础与核心,叔本华、尼采、伯格森、萨特、弗洛伊德以及马克思主义西方学派马尔库塞等哲学巨匠都十分重视文学艺术的人生命运的美学表达问题。

    The aesthetic expression of life and fate is the foundation and core in the aesthetics of fiction , hence masters of philosophy such as Schopenhauer , Nietzsche , Bergson , Sartre , Freud , Marcuse of the Occidental school of Marxism , etc.

  2. 中国古代经典小说美学风格的变换及其意蕴

    The Implication of the Transformation of Aesthetic Style in Chinese Classics

  3. 金圣叹在建立中国古典小说美学方面,起了关键的作用。

    Jin Sheng-tan plays a key role in establishing Chinses classical novels .

  4. 4后期小说美学观的调整;

    The aesthetics of novel in the later period ;

  5. 从现代小说美学角度分析萧乾的小说

    The Modern Aesthetic Approach to Xiao Qian 's Fiction

  6. 第二章,追溯纳氏小说美学思想的生发源头,寻觅隐藏于他独创性作品背后的美学动因。

    The second chapter deals with the genesis of his aesthetics on fiction .

  7. 轻:卡尔维诺小说美学中的诗性智慧

    " Light ": Calvino aesthetic ideology of novel creation

  8. 小说美学的现代性与读者期待视野的融合;

    The fusion of the modernity in novel aesthetics and the readers ' expectations ;

  9. 在中国古代小说美学的发展历程中,金圣叹无疑是做出重大贡献的一位小说理论批评家。

    This is benefitial to build the fictional aesthetics with our national features and enrich our countrys literature theory .

  10. 小说美学价值的降低源于对艺术自足性认识的缺失。最后梳理了90年代某些文学事件对这种内在缺陷的回应。

    Also , the reduction of their novel aesthetic value results from a lack of consciousness in art selt-sufficiency .

  11. 徐念慈的小说美学研究,对近代小说美学理论有突出的贡献。

    Xu Nianci 's research on the aesthetics of novels has great contributions to the aesthetic theory about contemporary novels .

  12. 服饰描写是小说美学的一部分,也在一定程度上反映了相关的思想文化背景。

    Garment description is part of aesthetic outlook in the novels . It also reflects related culture backgrounds to some extent .

  13. 给予读者不同的心理体验和哲学思辨,从而使金庸小说美学与哲学的多重魅力。

    Give the readers different psychological experiences and philosophic thinking which made his novels have multiple fascination of aesthetics and philosophy .

  14. 其创作风格体现出沉郁、雄浑、壮丽的崇高感,开拓了当代小说美学风格的新领域。

    Its creation style reflects sullen , vigorous , magnificent lofty feeling , the aesthetic style of contemporary novels of new fields .

  15. 尔后,论文结合中国小说美学以及岭南地域特色论述了《蜃楼志》的语言艺术。

    Then , combines with the aesthetics of Chinese fiction and the regional characteristics of Lingnan , the paper discusses the language arts .

  16. 我们对此进行了较详细的探讨,这对建构具有民族特色的小说美学,对当今的长篇小说创作都是十分有益的。

    We carried out a detailed study and find that it is very beneficial to construct the novel aesthetics of national characteristics and the present novel writing .

  17. 金圣叹的《水浒传》评点涉及小说美学的诸多方面,包括创作思想、人物性格论、情节结构论。

    Jin Shengtan 's comments on All Men Are Brothers involve many aspects in novel aesthetics including creative thought , statements on personalities of the characters and plot structures .

  18. 明清小说美学的理论样式主要表现为小说评点,其中蕴藏着丰富而独特的人物性格塑造理论。

    The punctuation and annotation of novel is the main academic modes of the novel esthetic theories in Ming-Qing dynasty , among them contains plentiful but special the theory on figuring personality .

  19. 前期创造社在五个方面对于中国现代小说美学思想的发展做出了开拓性的贡献:一、提倡为艺术而小说;

    Creation Society in the early stage made a pioneering contribution to the development of aesthetic thought of Chinese modern novels . The contribution lies in fives aspects . 1.Advocating that novels are written for art ;

  20. 叙述视角的讨论是20世纪小说美学研究的一个重要方面,海明威的小说《白象似的群山》明显带有视角探索的倾向。

    Point of view has been one important aspect of the novel aesthetics research since the 20th century . Hemingway 's short story , Hills like White Elephants shows a clear tendency towards exploring narrative perspective .

  21. 对其小说美学品格分析,是从文化观照角度在人物意象系统、内外节奏、叙事技巧三个方面,揭橥其艺术精神的品性。

    A cultural perspective is adopted in analyzing the aesthetic quality . Thus , the artistic characteristic are revealed through the following three aspects of character image system , inside and outside rhythm and the narrative technique .

  22. 在小说美学史上,晚清外国小说接受中的误读,迟缓了中国近代小说成熟,但的确提高了小说地位,为小说的发展打开道路;

    On the history of novel aesthetics , the misreading in foreign novel acceptance of Late Qing Dynasty delayed the maturity of Chinese neoteric novel , but it certainly enhanced the status of novel and blazed a trail for the development of novel ;

  23. 由于巴金阅读了许多外国作家的作品,他的美学思想受西方文学影响比较深,尤其是法国文学和俄国文学对巴金小说美学思想的形成起了重要作用。

    Because Ba Jin has read a lot of foreign writers ' works , his aesthetic thought is influenced by western literature deeply . French literature and Russia literature play an important role in the forming of Ba Jin novel aesthetic thought especially .

  24. 小说的美学目标是以语词创造出一个世界,Gass在“小说和生活的形象”,他的第一部论文集中说。

    " The esthetic aim of any fiction is the creation of a verbal world ," Gass argued in " Fiction and the Figures of Life "( 1970 ), his first collection of essays .

  25. 悲剧的隐匿&新现实主义小说的美学管窥

    The Hidden Tragedy & An Aesthetic View on New Realistic Fiction

  26. 第五部分余华小说的美学走向。

    Part Five is esthetic trend of Yu Hua 's novels .

  27. 反讽是一种人生态度和叙述方式,也是小说的美学原则之一。

    It 's also one of the aesthetic principles in novel writing .

  28. 论张洁小说的美学思想流变

    On the Aesthetic Change in Zhang Jie 's Novels

  29. 论海明威小说的美学创造

    On the Creativity of Aesthetics of Hemingway 's Novels

  30. 当代农民工题材小说的美学形态探析

    Inquiry into the Aesthetic of Contemporary Novels of Peasant-workers