
  • 网络skirmish;miniwar;a miniature war
  1. 据推测,人类之间最初的争斗主要是无组织的、自发的小规模战争。

    Presumably , the first tussles between humans were mostly unorganized , spontaneous skirmishes .

  2. 利比亚是一场小规模战争。

    Libya was a small war .

  3. 他说:中国武器获得实战检验的唯一途径是在地区性小规模战争中。

    The only way Chinese weapons can be tested in combat is in regional small wars , he said .

  4. 该文章指出,我们不该失去这次发动小规模战争的机会,这样的战争能对菲越两国的挑衅行为起到震慑作用。

    Suggesting a skirmish might'put them in their place'the article argued : 'We shouldn 't waste the opportunity to launch some tiny-scale battles that could deter provocateurs from going further .

  5. 网络蠕虫所造成的巨大损失早已引起人们的重视,一个蠕虫带来的动辄数十亿的损失不亚于一场小规模局部战争,这就决定了蠕虫在信息对抗中将占有重要的位置。

    Great damage brought out by net worms has been paid much attention , and the damage that amounts to at least 1000 million , is not less than the loss brought by a small war . Worm is vital in the information antagonism .