
  • 网络History of Novels;History of Fiction
  1. 小说史研究中的文体学方法

    The stylistic approach to the study of history of fiction

  2. 中国小说史自鲁迅《中国小说史略》之后走上了自己的道路。

    The stylistic approach to the study of history of fiction ;

  3. D·H·劳伦斯是英国小说史上的重要作家。

    D · H · Lawrence is one of the most important novelist in the British literary history .

  4. 乔治·奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)是英国二十世纪小说史上不可跳过的一个小说家,这不仅是由于他那极具传奇性的一生,更在于他短短的一生中留给我们的丰富的文学遗产。

    George Orwell , no doubt an indelible figure in the history of the 20th British literature , is noted by his legendary life as well as the rich literary heritage he has left to us during his short life .

  5. 20世纪中国小说史上少有严格意义上的成长小说(Bildungsroman),但是青春成长主题却在众多小说中大量存在。

    In the history of the 20th century Chinese novels , there rarely exists Bildungsroman ( German ) in a strict sense . However , there exist a great number of novels concerning the growing up theme of youth .

  6. 《十九世纪小说史》并不像你想象中的那样?

    19th-century novellas not quite the hell on earth you expected ?

  7. 20世纪小说史研究

    A Survey on Chinese Fictional History in the 20th Century

  8. 中国古代小说史研究概述

    A Summary on the Study of the History of Chinese Ancient Novels

  9. 知识分子的成长叙事升华为抽象的象征,一部中国现代成长小说史就是一个民族国家的成长寓言。

    The growth recounting is the abstract symbol of the national development .

  10. 这本书是英语小说史上的里程碑。

    This book was a landmark in the history of English fiction .

  11. 荆轲是我国小说史上最早的侠客形象。

    Jing Ke is the earliest swordsman image in Chinese novel history .

  12. 中国现代小说史书写研究

    A Research on the History of Chinese Modern Novels

  13. 《儒林外史》在中国古代小说史上具有非常重要的地位。

    The Scholars has a very important position in Chinese ancient novel history .

  14. 结构宏阔精美,语言幽默诙谐,充满神奇丰富的想象和复杂深刻的思想,在中国小说史上独树一帜。

    Its content is exquisite , humorous and full of magical imagination and profound thoughts .

  15. 在中国小说史上,《品花宝鉴》是一部特点鲜明的小说。

    " Precious Mirror " is a characteristic bright novel in the Chinese novel history .

  16. 哈代有着非凡的创作悲剧的能力,其悲剧可与古典悲剧媲美,他因此而著称于英国小说史。

    Hardy is remarkable for his tremendous power of producing tragedies comparable to classic tragedies .

  17. 论小说史的书写类型

    Three Writing Types of The Novel History

  18. 《笔记小说史》的一点启示

    Inspiration of The History of Notes Novel

  19. 该书以其丰富的思想内容和高超的艺术手法在小说史上占有重要地位。

    This book occupied an important position with its rich ideological content and superb artistic techniques .

  20. 作者也因此被艾略特赞许“自詹姆斯以来美国小说史上迈出的重要的第一步”。

    S.Eliot praised that he had taken the first important step in the American novel since James .

  21. 在中国古代小说史中,侠义小说是一个重要方面。

    Novels on knight-errantry is a very important part in the development of China 's ancient novels .

  22. 改写中国小说史

    Rewriting Chinese Novel History

  23. 试析文学史的真相&以中国现代小说史为视角

    The Truth of Literary History & A Study from the Perspective of the History of Modern Chinese Fiction

  24. 中国小说史,不仅仅是一部创作史,还是一部重写史。

    History of Chinese novel , not only is a creation , but also a history of rewriting .

  25. 这是武侠小说史研究中的一个重要问题。

    This is one of the most important issues in the study of the history of Kung Fu fiction .

  26. 《远离尘嚣》是一部浪漫喜剧,它的成功为哈代确立了他在英国小说史的地位;

    Far from the Madding Crowd is a successful pastoral romance , which made Hardy 's reputation as a novelist ;

  27. 摘要《金瓶梅》是我国古代小说史上一尊不朽的丰碑,昭示了我国现实主义文学的深化。

    Jin Ping min is a wonderful novel in Chinas ancient novel history and indicates the development of realism literature .

  28. 徐光启的数学哲学思想纪念《几何原本》中译400周年一部厚积薄发的力作评何光渝《20世纪贵州小说史》

    Xu Guangqi s mathematics philosophical thinking & Translate 400 anniversaries in souvenir " geometry copy of the first edition ";

  29. 程小青作为中国侦探小说史上一个独特的存在,确有许多值得后人研究的地方。

    Cheng Xiaoqing , as a unique existence in the history of Chinese detective novels , definitely deserves to be researched .

  30. 夏氏范式与新文学史编著&兼评夏志清《中国现代小说史》

    The Xia s Schema and New Literary History Composition : Concurrently on Xia Zhiqing s History of Modern Chinese Fiction ;