
  • 网络Theatre History;history of the theatre
  1. 斯特林堡在戏剧史中的地位一直很特别。

    August Strindberg is a special master in the theatre history .

  2. 作为自然主义戏剧的代表作,豪普特曼的《织工》从文本和舞台的角度标志着戏剧史的转折。

    As the magnum opus of the naturalism drama , The Weavers of Hauptmann is , from the point of view of the drama and stage , a turn in the theatre history .

  3. 第一次听到林-马努艾尔的歌,我立刻想到了《音乐人》(TheMusicMan)开幕曲《石岛》(RockIsland)。那是一首无比杰出的曲子,是美国戏剧史上第一次有人尝试通过言语来做音乐。

    WHEN I FIRST HEARD Lin-Manuel 's songs , I immediately thought of " Rock Island , " " the opening number of " The Music Man . " " It 's one of the most brilliant numbers ever written , and the first time anybody had attempted to make music out of speech in the American theater .

  4. 这是中国戏剧史上的第一次对外国际交流,比起1919年梅兰芳第一次率团访日演出还要早五年。

    It is the first international exchange in Chinese drama history .

  5. 爱德华·阿尔比是美国戏剧史上著名的戏剧作家。

    Edward Albee is an outstanding playwright in American drama circle .

  6. 第二、综合观照的戏剧史视野;

    Secondly , comprehensive view on the history of Chinese opera ;

  7. 论近代传奇杂剧的戏剧史地位

    On the History Position of Modern Legend zaju The Creating Theatre

  8. 总之陈娘是戏剧史上不可多得一位戏曲家。

    In short Lang Chen is a rare . Their dramatic history .

  9. 田纳西·威廉斯是美国戏剧史上一位杰出而又多产的剧作家。

    Tennessee Williams is a brilliant and prolific playwright in American drama history .

  10. 重构戏剧史:从戏剧发生开始

    Reconstructing the History of Drama from its Genesis

  11. 以开放的心态从事中国戏剧史研究

    Being Open-minded in the Research of Chinese Theatre

  12. 洪深是中国现代戏剧史上的第一个导演。

    Hong Shen was the first direction in the history of modern Chinese theatre .

  13. 戏剧史上昭君形象的演变及启示

    The development of Zhaojun 's image in the history of play and its enlightenment

  14. 这种状况严重制约了中国古代戏剧史的深入研究。

    This badly limits the speed of studying the history of the Chinese Ancient Drama .

  15. 戏剧史的困境&试论戏剧史写作的可能性

    The Dilemma of Writing History of Theatre

  16. 田纳西·威廉斯是美国现代戏剧史上最具影响力和最有争议的剧作家之一。

    Tennessee Williams is one of the most influential and controversial playwrights in modern American theatre .

  17. 关于中国维吾尔戏剧史的研究

    Research On History of Uygur Drama

  18. 正是这些表现主义手法的使用让该剧在现代戏剧史上独领风骚。

    It is those expressionistic techniques that make this play outstanding in history of modern drama .

  19. 《牡丹亭》是我国戏剧史和文学史上经久不衰的歌咏至情的杰作。

    " Peony Pavilion " is a enduring masterpieces of the literature and theater history in China .

  20. 《推销员之死》是美国戏剧史上的三大悲剧之一。

    Death of a Salesman is one of the three great tragedies in the American drama history .

  21. 作品《玻璃动物园》是他的成名作,被誉为“开辟了现代戏剧史上的新篇章”。

    The Glass Menagerie is one of his masterpieces , which describes the living situation of a family during the Great Depression .

  22. 试论曹禺剧作的超历史性&兼论中国现代戏剧史两个阶段之形成原因戏剧史上昭君形象的演变及启示

    On the Super Historic Significance in Cao Yu 's Drama The development of Zhaojun 's image in the history of play and its enlightenment

  23. 《哈姆雷特》和《赵氏孤儿》是中西戏剧史上著名的以“复仇”为主题的两出戏剧,两剧都以“复仇”展开剧情。

    ' Hamlet'and'The Orphan of Chao'are two famous drama which use " revenge " as the essential theme in the Chinese and Western theatric history .

  24. 在世界戏剧史上,中国戏曲与古希腊戏剧、印度梵剧一起被称为三大戏剧体系。

    On the history of stage in the whole world , Chinese theatre , Paleo-Greece opera and India theatricals are dubbed three macro-groups of stage .

  25. 作为田纳西。威廉斯的成名作和美国戏剧史上的经典之作,《玻璃动物园》广受评论界的关注。

    Considered as Tennessee Williams'first well-known book as well as the masterpiece in American drama history , The Glass Menagerie received wide attention from the critics .

  26. 元杂剧是中国戏剧史上第一种成熟完善的戏剧形式,引领了中国文学及其审美取向由雅向俗的转变。

    Yuan Drama is the mature and perfect form of drama in Chinese history which leads the Chinese literature and aesthetic orientation to change from elegance to custom .

  27. 著名歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》是西方戏剧史上的世纪绝唱,代表了西方的东方主义思想。

    The famous opera Madame Butterfly , representing the thought of " orientalism " in the west , is the peak of the century in western drama history .

  28. 乔治·洛威尔和安东尼·杰克逊(1984):《保留剧目专用剧场运动:英国地方戏剧史》;剑桥:剑桥大学出版社。

    Rowell , George and Anthony Jackson ( 1984 ) The Repertory Theatre Movement : A History of Regional Theatre in Britain , Cambridge : Cambridge University Press .

  29. 阿瑟·米勒不仅是美国戏剧史上最伟大的剧作家之一,而且是世界戏剧史最伟大的剧作家之一。

    As one of the greatest dramatists in the history of the American Theatre , Arthur Miller is also recognized as one of the best-known playwrights in the world .

  30. 昆曲《牡丹亭》中国戏剧史上的巅峰之作,是最能体现昆曲精致浪漫的一部剧目。

    Kunqu Opera The Peony Pavilion is the peak work in Chinese dramatic history and is the play that can bring the delicacy and romance of Kunqu Opera into full play .