
xì lè
  • play and amuse
戏乐 [xì yuè]
  • [act in a play] 戏曲演出

  • 偶陈戏乐。--清. 张廷玉《明史》

  1. 从梵剧的蜕变看唐代民间戏乐表演市场对戏剧艺术的双重作用

    Dual Effect of Folk Opera Performance Market in Tang Dynasty & Seen from Metamorphosis of the Sanskrit

  2. 首先介绍了民教冲突中引人注目的戏乐纠葛,然后考察了迎神赛社的历史渊源与社会功能。

    The essay presents some of the more spectacular conflicts , and then examines the historical origins and social functions of religious processions .