
  1. 戏曲改良是清末下层社会启蒙运动的重要内容。

    The opera reform movement is the main content of the late Qing dynasty social enlightenment .

  2. 其变化与发展分两个阶段:戏曲改良时期和新剧(话剧)的产生。

    The change and development appeared in two periods : the improvement of drama and the origin of new drama ( stage play ) .

  3. 从文本改编角度出发、结合舞台演出实践,研究和揭示汪笑侬戏曲改良思想的特点即鲜明的思想性和艺术形式的创新性。

    Combined with theatrical practice , research and reveal Wang laugh distinctive characteristics of Lennon drama improvement ideas that ideological and artistic forms of innovative adaptation of the angle from the text .

  4. 这次由改良主义者及初步具有资产阶级思想的知识分子倡导的戏曲改良与当时求改革、求进步的思潮相适应,并得到了戏曲艺人的广泛响应。

    The opera improvements advocated by the reformists and the initial intellectuals with bourgeois ideology and was seeking reform , and progress of thought to adapt , and the wide response of the opera artists .

  5. 新兴的小说等报刊媒体成为新剧本传播的载体,刊登了不少体现呼应新时代、传播新思想、新知识、新观念的剧本,在推动戏曲改良运动发展中起到了积极的作用。

    The new novel and print media became the carrier of new play spread . They published many new scripts which reflected new era , spread new ideas and new knowledge . The played a positive role in promoting opera reform movement .

  6. 时至20世纪初年,在戏曲改良运动的推动下,戏曲被赋予开启民智、改良社会的重任,愈加凸显出社会批判性。

    Till early years of the 20 ~ ( th ) century , in the promotion of an opera reform movement the opera was endowed with important tasks of enlightening masses and reforming society , thus giving more prominence to its social critical character .

  7. 话剧作为舶来品,在引进之初就面临着水土不服的问题,全盘西化不能得到中国观众的认可,对戏曲局部的改良也无法使之走上健康发展的道路。

    As the introduction of drama in the early days of imports faced with the problem of acclimatized , total Westernization of drama can not be recognized by the Chinese audience , the opera can not be modified partial path to the road of healthy development .

  8. 与此同时,中国传统戏曲的表演形式也出现了新的面貌,戏曲改良也推动了戏剧业本身的发展。

    At the same time , the Chinese traditional opera acting style also promoted the development of drama industry itself .