
  • 网络Problem Novel
  1. 问题小说是现实主义文学的一个分支。

    Problem novel is a sub-genre of realism .

  2. 为了能更好地理解问题小说,对于小说中所展现出来的艺术形式或特点的了解是非常必要的。

    In order to better understand the problem novel , it is necessary to realize the artistic forms or features which exhibit in the novels .

  3. 现实主义与三农问题小说创作

    Realism and the Fiction Production on the Problem of " San-Nong "

  4. 社会的记录深邃的思考&读冰心的问题小说

    Social Record , Deep Thought & Reading Issue Novel by Bing Xin

  5. 问题小说侧重关注于社会现实和现实中的经历。

    It pays attention to social reality and actual experience .

  6. 在英国,19世纪见证了问题小说的繁荣。

    In England , the 19th century witnessed the booming of problem novels .

  7. 有吉佐和子和她的社会问题小说

    Sawako Ariyoshi and Her Novels about Social Problems

  8. 它是19世纪英国问题小说的主要代表作。

    It is a major English representative work of problem novels in 19th century .

  9. 问题小说的延续与转化&论解放区文学的问题主义表现

    " Question " Novel Extension and Transformation & By liberated area literature question principle performance

  10. 想像对现实的征服&赵树理问题小说内在结构探微

    Imagination Goes beyond Reality & Internal Structure of " the Fiction about Problems " Written by Zhao shu_li

  11. 所有的小说都可以称之为问题小说,因为小说与人们所要面对各种问题息息相关。

    All the novels are problem novels because they are closely related with various problems which people will face .

  12. 冰心的问题小说的创作,沉痛直言、深深植根于当时的社会现实厚土之中,具有很大的醒世作用;

    Bing Xin 's novels , directed at family issues and deeply rooted in the then society , are'imbued with much social admonition .

  13. 这三部小说也被称为美国问题小说,因为罗斯在这三部小说中展示了二战以来美国社会的各种问题。

    These three novels are called " American problem novels " because they deal with American social issues after the Second World War .

  14. 本文目的是从问题小说的艺术形式方面对《艰难时世》加以分析。它是从一种新的角度对这部小说进行分析和研究。

    This thesis aims to analyze Hard Times in the artistic forms of the problem novel . It researches Hard Times from a new point of view .

  15. 被历来研究者统称为问题小说的1919-1921年小说创作中,蕴涵了小说创作思维模式从近代转向现代的发展过程。

    Written from 1919 to 1921 , the novels that have been called the " Problem Novel " , have embodied the formation of novelistic modern thought .

  16. 理论上,基于对问题小说的艺术特点的研究,试图找到问题小说《艰难时世》中在艺术方面所体现出来的特点。

    Theoretically , it tries to find the reflections of characteristics of Hard Times in the artistic forms based on the study of features of a problem novel .

  17. 文章通过文本分析,从新英雄传奇、问题小说、家庭文学和讽刺文学四个维度考量百花文学的文学价值。

    By analyzing the text including new hero legend , problem novel , family literature and ironic literature , the paper measured the literary value with four dimensions .

  18. 问题小说的文学特点在艺术价值方面达到了很高的水准,即使是在现在仍然有遍及世界各地的读者为之着迷。

    With all these literary characteristics , the problem novel has achieved a great deal in an artistic value and is still fascinating the readers all over the world .

  19. 简言之,在中国现当代文学史上,教育小说以两种形态并存发展:教育成长小说与教育问题小说。

    In short , in China now in generation of history of literature , education novel by two kind of shape coexisting development : Education growth novel and education question novel .

  20. 赵树理“问题小说”的内在结构由现实的世界和想像的世界两部分构成。

    The thesis thinks that the internal structure of " the fiction about problems " has two parts : One is the real world , the other is the imaginational world .

  21. 在本文中,问题小说是指一种通过人物和事件的描述来探讨某一中心问题的小说类型。

    In this thesis , the problem novel refers to the type of prose fiction that derives its chief interest from working out , through characters and incidents , some central problem .

  22. 从当时小说界讨论的五个热点问题小说地位与小说家地位、小说作用、小说翻译、小说分类、小说传播展开研究。

    Then launch research on five hot issues that the novel circle discussed at that time : the status of the novel and novelist 's , novel function , novel translation , the novel classification , the novel communication .

  23. 问题小说展示一种新的小说观,并初步确立了一种新的提问法则和提问的自主性,对中国现代文学的发展起到了重要的奠基作用。

    This paper argues that problem novels had demonstrated a new view of novel , established a primary new mode and self-assertion of problem presenting , and which plays such an important role as laying down foundations for the development of modern Chinese literature .

  24. 所以自叙传小说在更准确的意义上说乃是一种自我问题小说,属于五四以来问题文学的一支,而非一般所谓浪漫主义的自我表现小说或主观抒情小说。

    More strictly speaking , such novels are a kind of self-problem novels , which actually belong to a sub-type of literature of problems developed from the May 4th Movement , but not belong to the so-called self-expression novels or subjective lyric novels within the tradition of romanticism .

  25. 一是:元小说作为将自身作为表现对象的小说,首要的哲学问题是小说本体论的问题,即小说与现实的关系。

    One is the preliminary and philosophical question of metafiction : the ontological status of fiction , namely , the relationship between reality and fiction .

  26. 虽然对当代作品的评点还存在许多问题,小说评点毕竟已经进入到了当代作品的评点中,这也使小说评点这种批评形式具有了当代的可操作性。

    Although the commentary on the contemporary works still exist many problems , novel commentary has entered into the criticism on contemporary works , and makes the novel commentary more practicable .

  27. 第一章论述了友伦的文化传统和交友问题的小说书写两大问题,分别从哲学理论和文学理论两方面为后文讨论明清长篇世情小说中的交友问题奠定了理论基础。

    Chapter one discusses two questions : the cultural tradition of friend ethics and the problem of making friends in the novels . It Lays the theoretical basis for the following article .

  28. 作者在小说中表达了对人类现实生存的困惑,意在探讨西方人道主义思想在世界范围内的适用性问题,小说因此具有了丰富的世界性意义。

    The author expresses his confusion in this novel with the survival of the human reality , discusses the serviceability of Western humanitarianism worldwide . Therefore the novel is deemed with its global significance .

  29. 去年,南非作家库切揭示南非新旧交替时代种族问题的小说《耻》获得了诺贝尔文学奖,再次引起人们对南非种族问题的关注和思考。

    Last year , South African writer and winner of the 2003 Nobel Prize in Literature , John M. Coetzee , wrote Disgrace , a novel which led people to reexamine problems of race in South Africa .

  30. 小说的虚构问题是中国小说理论的重要范畴。

    The fabrication of novel is important in the Chinese novel theories .