
  • 网络question teaching method;problem-based learning;problem-based teaching
  1. 基于问题教学法在牙体牙髓病学实习教学中的应用

    The application of problem-based learning in practice teaching of operative dentistry and endodontics

  2. 采用问题教学法激发调动学生学习的积极主动性

    Enhancing Students ' Learning Autonomy by Adopting " Question Teaching Method "

  3. 目的在眼科护理学教学中采用基于问题教学法,并评价此方法的教学效果。

    Objective Applying PBL to ophthalmological nursing teaching and evaluating its effectiveness .

  4. 运用问题教学法改进结构化学教学

    Apply " Question Methodology " to Improve Teaching Structural Chemistry

  5. 问题教学法在《电子技术》课堂教学中的运用

    Application of Question Teaching Method in the Classroom Instruction of Electronic Technologies

  6. 问题教学法在中学历史教学中的应用研究

    Teaching Problem at School History Teaching in the Applied Research

  7. 问题教学法在电力系统分析教学实践中的应用

    Application of Problem - directed Method in Teaching " Power System Analysis "

  8. 问题教学法作为一种有效的教学法备受关注。

    It is attention to Question Teaching Method to be a effective teaching method .

  9. 以问题教学法贯穿于实践教学各个环节

    Question-Teaching Method Impenetrate into Practice-Teaching Process

  10. 生物教学中的问题教学法

    Question Teaching Method in Biological Teaching

  11. 物理教学中运用问题教学法提高学生的创新思维能力

    Apply Question Teaching Method in Physics Teaching to Improve the Students'Abilities in Creating New Ideas and Thinking

  12. 问题教学法的探究

    Exploration on question method Problems

  13. 问题教学法在成人医学教育中的应用及效果评价

    Application and evaluation of effect of the problem based learning in the medical science education for adult students

  14. 本文在借鉴前人的基础上,主要探讨在初中语文阅读教学中如何应用问题教学法。

    Based on forefather educators'theory , the dissertation mainly studies how to use the problem teaching method in middle school .

  15. 根据教学实践,提出并探讨了问题教学法,认为它是专业课教学的有效方法之一。

    On the basis of teaching practice of building deformation monitoring course , this paper puts forward and analyses problem teaching method .

  16. 并在操作模式的指导下将问题教学法具体的应用于高中生物学课堂,开展问题教学法的实践研究。

    And under the guidance of the operating mode Question-oriented teaching method is applied in biology class , to expand practice study .

  17. 第二部分从构建主义教学理论、人本主义教学理论和问题教学法角度阐述课堂提问的理论基础。

    Part two Explain the theoretical foundation quized in classroom from constructing teaching theory of the doctrine , humanism teaching theory and question teaching method angle .

  18. 本文首先介绍了问题教学法的一般原理及在教学中的作用,然后例举了在数据结构课程教学中的若干应用实例。

    This paper introduces the general principles of the problem teaching method and its effection in teaching , and some examples in data structure teaching were given .

  19. 本文主要阐述问题教学法在思想品德课教学中的运用以及应注意的一些问题。

    This paper mainly expounds the teaching method in the ideological and moral issues in the use of teaching and should pay attention to some of the issues .

  20. 第一章主要是追溯了问题教学法的源头,并针对初中语文阅读教学如何运用问题教学提出了个人的浅见。

    The first chapter mainly has traced the question-based method source , and proposed individual humble opinion how to implementing the question-based method in Junior year Chinese teaching .

  21. 研究采用实验班和对照班相比照的方法,实验班采用问题教学法进行生物学教学,对照班采用传统的教学方式,实践持续两个月的时间。

    Research by setting the experimental classes and control classes , experimental approach Question-oriented teaching method , the control class using traditional teaching methods , practice is continued two months .

  22. 问题教学法其实是最古老的教学法之一。

    Question-based teaching method is actually one of the oldest teaching methods . There are two main sources of questions , one from the teachers themselves , one from the students .

  23. 问题教学法与梯度性提升学生问题能力&以《中国近现代史纲要》课程为例

    " Teaching through Questions " and " Improving Step by Step the Students ' Ability of Questioning " & A Case Study of " An Outline History of Modern China "

  24. 在《中国革命理论与实践》的课堂教学中实施问题教学法是调动学生学习兴趣,把教与学有机结合以及启迪学生思维,培养学生创新精神的需要,同时也有一定的可能和基础。

    Utilize question methods while teaching Theories and Practices of China 's Revolution to mobilize students ' interests , combine teaching and learning while enlightening students ' thoughts , train students ' innovative spirits .

  25. 他们或开创了问题教学法的先河,或精辟阐述了问题设计对于教学的重要意义,或通过亲身实践验证了问题设计所带来的喜人效果。

    Some created problem teaching approaches , the first of its kind , while others have brilliantly expounded the importance of it in teaching or experimented the satisfying results of the problem approaches by themselves .

  26. 第四,思想政治课教学方法的创新,包括发现法、问题教学法、内容不完全法,挫折演示法等。第五,思想政治课教学评价方式的创新。

    Fourth , innovations of teaching methods on thought-politics courses involve discovery method , problem teaching method , method of incompleteness contents , demo-method of frustration and etc , Fifths , teaching assessment manner on thought-politics courses innovate .

  27. 在课堂教学中有很多方法能够有效地培养学生的历史逻辑思维能力,如问题教学法、探究讨论教学法、史料教学法、系统图表教学法、比较教学法等等。

    There are many ways to effectively train students ' history logical thinking ability such as problems approach to explore the discussion of teaching , historical approach , system approach chart to compare teaching methods and so on .

  28. 本文借鉴建构主义的学习理论和学习环境,从问题教学法在初中思想品德学科的运用入手,开展了一些有意义的实践与研究。

    The discourse tries to start with the application of Question Teaching Method in the M.E. course in junior high school , using the theories and the environment of constructivism for reference , and carry out some important practices and research .

  29. 导入问题教学法能够提高学生的学习兴趣,扩展学生的思维,加深学生对所学知识的理解,培养学生分析、综合及解决问题的能力,更好地提高教学质量。

    The results show that introducing this teaching method can increase students ' interest , expand their thinking , deepen their understanding of knowledge learned , and foster their abilities to analyze , synthesize and solve problems , thus improving teaching quality .

  30. 针对法律基础课教学方法改革的趋势,用发现法、问题教学法和案例法进行教学改革和实验,以此来解决实际教学中存在的诸多问题,从而达到教学方法最优化的目的。

    Based on the trend of teaching method reform of Basis of Law , the author reforms the teaching and solves many problems in teaching by using discovering method , questioning method and case analysis , and thus attains an excellent teaching methods .