
  • 网络unit teaching
  1. 丹尼斯女士主题单元教学法的实施

    How Mrs. Danes Put Thematic Unit Teaching Mode in Practice

  2. 体育大单元教学理论与实践的研究

    Research on Theory and Practice of Large Unit Teaching in Physical Education

  3. 基于ICT的主题单元教学设计研究

    ICT-Based Study of Thematic Unit Instructional Design

  4. 基于课程整合的内涵与外延,分析课程整合的组织形式,并结合CAD课程教学的内容划分详细的单元教学计划,探讨课程整合的模式与具体实施过程。

    Analyses the organized forms of curriculum integration based the implications and extensions , partitioned the detailed teaching programs and discusses the implementation and correlated models of CAD curriculum integration combining with practicality in our college .

  5. 语文五程序单元教学的课型设计

    The Design of Classes for Teaching Chinese Texts in Five Procedures

  6. 大单元教学体育教学改革的突破口体育教学改革思考之五

    Big Section Education , the Breaking of Physical Education Reform

  7. 四结合模式单元教学的构想与实施

    The conception and implementation of unit teaching through four combinations

  8. 阶梯式小单元教学法研究

    Research on The Teaching Method of Small Step-by-step Unit

  9. 总结了中学语文单元教学的优势和不足。

    Fourthly , it summarizes advantages and disadvantages of CUT in middle schools .

  10. 新课程背景下的小学体育课大单元教学

    Large Unit PE Teaching in Primary Schools with the Background of New Course

  11. 素描基础训练的创新思维&桂林师专美术系2001级3班素描单元教学侧记

    Creative Thinking in the Training of Basic Sketch Drawing

  12. 单元教学法在物理实验中的应用

    The application of unit teaching in physical experiments

  13. 小学体育新课标目标统领下单元教学计划的研究

    The Unit Teaching Plan under the New Course Standard of Sports in Primary School

  14. 跨学科主题单元教学指南。

    Guide for developing interdisciplinary thematic units ii .

  15. 紧接着结合小学语文的教学特点,阐述了小学阶段实施单元教学的特点和流程序列。

    It states the requirements of primary-school Chinese - language unit teaching considering its characteristics .

  16. 语文单元教学与语感教学融合的观念与途径

    Concept and Ways to Mergence of Modular Instruction and Language Sense Instruction in Chinese Teaching

  17. 素描中的单元教学思考

    Unit Think in Sketch Teaching

  18. 教学目标可划分为课程教学目标、单元教学目标和课堂教学目标等三个层次。

    Teaching objectives can be divided into three levels which are curriculum teaching objectives , unit teaching targets and classroom teaching objectives .

  19. 新加坡小学华文新课程单元教学方案评鉴另外,新加坡毕竟是一个多元语文的国家。

    An Evaluation of Singapore Primary School New Chinese Modular Curriculum Structure ; And after all , we are a multi-lingual society .

  20. 研究认为,运用信息技术手段能有效支持教学,单元教学设计有利于促进新课程教学理念得到真正落实,提高课堂教学质量。

    Through research of the paper , the unit instructional design supported by learning with information technology can improve classroom instruction quality .

  21. 结果表明:采用单元教学与杜会实践相结合的教学方法对提高学生裁判能力有显著效果。

    The research findings show that the combination of unit teaching with practice enables us to cultivate the students ' judge ability effectively .

  22. 重点是利用弹簧振子和单摆两个模型对《机械振动》单元教学进行的新探索,同时介绍了利用单摆模型帮助学生解决物理问题,形成良好知识结构的实例。

    Single pendulum model is good for learners to find a solution to a problem , and it helps to forming good cognitive structure .

  23. 认为:1在确定单元教学目标时应实现目标的纵向与横向的整合;

    The following is our conclusion : 1 . we should make the target integrated with horizontally and vertically when defining unit teaching target ;

  24. 第三部分为教师问卷调查部分,通过对教师教学设计情况的调查分析,确定单元教学研究的现实意义。

    There is a questionnaire to survey the situation of chemical teaching design in the third part . Therefore , this research has practical significance .

  25. 单元教学与语感教学是中学语文教育中的两大流派。它们无论在观念上还是在实践中都非常盛行。

    Modular instruction and language sense instruction , two schools of the teaching of Chinese in middle school , prevail both in theory and in practice .

  26. 最后,本论文分析了在高中语文教学过程中运用单元教学模式的得与失,并展望了高中语文单元教学的未来。

    At last the paper analyses the success and failure of using Unit Teaching in Senior Chinese , and prospects the future of Senior Chinese Unit Teaching .

  27. 单元教学目标按照三步程式设计,即教学任务分析、单元教学目标确定和课堂教学目标确定。

    The Unit Teaching Goals are designed into three steps , namely the analysis of teaching tasks , the destination of Unit Teaching Goals and destination of classroom teaching goals .

  28. 以后克伯屈的“设计教学法”,莫里逊的“莫里逊计划”等都在一定程度上体现了单元教学的思想和特征,推进了单元教学的发展。

    Later on , Kibpatrick 's " Designing Teaching " and Morison 's " The Morison Plan " reflected somewhat ideas and features of Unit Teaching , and carried it forward .

  29. 我国语文单元教学是二十世纪初在欧美新教育运动的影响下产生的。

    Chinese Unit Teaching ( CUT ) in our country was born in the early 1900s by the effects of New Educational Movement that was carried out in Europe and America .

  30. 优化课程组织成为提高香港初中语文教学效率的一条有效途径,其中单元教学以其独具的特点与优势列于优化课程组织的重要地位。

    The effective way to better the teaching of Chinese in Hongkong 's junior middle schools is to optimize the construction of curriculum to which teaching in units is of great significance .