
  • 网络teaching method;Lecture method;method of lecture
  1. 结论:情境教学法,明显优于传统的讲授法。

    Conclusion : the circumstances teaching method is better than the traditional lecture method .

  2. 讲授法是教师运用语言向学生系统地传递知识的一种教学方法。

    Lecture method is the use of language teachers systematically transfer knowledge to students as a teaching method .

  3. 对照班采用传统的课堂讲授法教学,实验班结合讲授法精选部分章节采用PBL教学。

    The comparison classes used the traditional classroom method of teaching , comparing the experimental class taught in essence parts selected from sections of teaching using PBL .

  4. 基于高效率的数学讲授法之改进和思考

    Improvement and Thought Based on High Efficiency of Mathematical Lecturing Approach

  5. 单一的讲授法、灌输式的教学、低效的课堂提问;

    Monotonous teaching method , instilling-like teaching , ineffective classroom inquiries ;

  6. 讲授法仍然是数学教育教学最为重要的教学方法之一。

    Lecturing approach was still one of the most important approaches in teaching mathematics .

  7. 艾滋病健康教育方法包括专家讲授法和同伴教育法。

    The methods for AIDS health education included expert instruction and peer education method .

  8. 从奥苏贝尔有意义言语学习理论重新认识教学中的讲授法

    The Recognition of Teaching Method from D. P. Ausubel 's Studying Theory of Meaningful Linguistics

  9. 谈讲授法在物理化学教学中的运用

    Lecturing Method in Physical Chemistry Teaching

  10. 力求能够为高中思想政治课教学中有效运用讲授法提供参考。

    Political and strive to high school teaching effective use of teaching methods to provide reference .

  11. 讲授法是市场营销学教学方法中的主导方法,是有效运用其他教学方法的基础。

    The method for lecture is the dominant one of marketing teaching methods and basis for effective use of other methods .

  12. 讲授法、研究性学习、讨论式教学等教学方法,都可以促进学生转变学习方式。

    The teacher of ethic education class needs to exert teaching strategy and promote the change of students ' learning style .

  13. 但是,在今天新课程改革的背景下,讲授法遭到了一些批评和指责。

    However , the new curriculum reform in the context of today , teaching methods were a number of criticisms and accusations .

  14. 团体咨询的方法和讲授法均可以提高大学生的心理健康水平,但团体咨询的方法更有效。

    Group counseling and instruction both could promote the psychological health of college students , but group counseling was more effective . 3 .

  15. 实验组应用多元开放教学法授课,对照组采用传统课堂讲授法。

    The multiple teaching form was used in the experimental group , while the traditional teaching form was used in the control group .

  16. 讲授法、多媒体教学法、课堂讨论法、理论联系实际法等等是马克思主义哲学原理教学的主要方法。

    The methods of teaching The Theories of Marxist Philosophy include lecturing , multi-media teaching , classroom discussion and integrating theory with practice , etc.

  17. 教学方法则主要沿用了讲授法、读书指导法、问难法等传统教学方法。

    The teaching methods mainly included some traditional teaching methods such as the lecturing method , reading and directing method and questioning method etc. .

  18. 教师在课堂教学中运用讲授法,要借鉴演讲的艺术,重视备课后的背课;

    When a teacher uses the Instruction Method , he will use the art of giving a speech and remember the prepared teaching materials .

  19. 通过对比,采用开放性评价法的实验组学生不论从操作技能考核上,还是从理论课程的成绩上明显高于采用传统讲授法的对照组。

    Compared to the control group , the experiment groups scores are obviously higher whether in operating skills or in theory , which suggests that .

  20. 本文探讨了以讲授法、讨论法和自学指导法为基础的综合教学法在大学英语精读课教学中的应用。

    This article probes into the pedagogy based on the multiple teaching method which includes teaching , discussing and instructing study on one 's own .

  21. 专家讲授法及同伴教育法均能提高收教妇女艾滋病知识,改善其艾滋病相关态度。在很多方面同伴教育法和专家讲授法均无显著性差异。

    Experts lecture and peer education can both significantly improve female detainees ' knowledge of AIDS and attitude , they are almost the same in many aspects .

  22. 传统的系统讲授法缺乏实践环节,不宜继续作为我国高校的基本教法。

    The traditional method of systematic lecturing lacks practice sectors and should not be the essential teaching method in the institutions of higher learning in our country .

  23. 针对商务英语课程和学习人群的特点,仅用传统的系统讲授法很难取得理想的教学效果;

    Owing to the characteristics of business English courses and that of their learners , the traditional systematic teaching method alone can hardly produce a satisfactory result .

  24. 本文第一章是对新课程理念下的讲授法进行分析和思考,从而提出当前语文教学实施讲授法的一些弊端。

    The first chapter is focused on the analyses and deep thinking about teaching methods , and point out some drawbacks of the existing problems in Chinese teaching .

  25. 本课题在吸收传统讲授法优点的基础上,构建了工科大学物理以及大学物理实验的任务驱动探究式的教学模式。

    Getting the advantage of the traditional teaching method , this paper has constructed the task-driven inquiry teaching mode of the college engineering physics and the college physics experiment .

  26. 方法:在内科教学中,采用类比法、图表讲授法、病例教学法、演示法、反馈法、启发式教学法等多种教学方法。

    Methods Various methods were applied to the teaching of internal medicine such as analogy method , exposition with diagrams , cases teaching , feed-backing method and elicitation method .

  27. 在教学实践中,采用专题讲授法、理论与实际相结合以及多种教学形式,取得了较好的教学效果。

    During her teaching practice , the author adopts lectures on special topics , combining theory with practice as well as many other teaching methods and achieves very good teaching results .

  28. 在讲课时,宜采用以讲授法为主,辅以问答法和自学指导法的教学方法。

    It is also supposed to adopt teaching methods that give priority to dictation and combine catechism and self learning during classroom teaching , according to the characteristics of engineering course .

  29. 收教妇女最喜欢专家讲授法,但同伴教育法改善艾滋病预防知识的效果要显著优于专家讲授法。

    Female detainees like experts lecture more , but peer education was better than experts lecture to improve AIDS prevention knowledge . So we must tie them in to maximize their effects .

  30. 讲授法作为教师使用最早的、应用最广的教学方法,在今天的中国似乎正在失去合法性,这是值得忧虑也值得研究的教育现象。

    As the earliest and most widely used teaching method , lecture method seems to be losing the validity in China today , which is an educational phenomenon worthy of worrying about and researching .