- podium;rostrum;platform;lectern;dais

[platform] 高出地面的台子,讲课或讲演的人站在上面讲
She walked up to the platform without faltering .
Nick finished what he was saying and jumped down from the platform .
One of them climbed aboard a soapbox and began informing the locals why gays should be allowed in the military .
Naturally , you were keyed up when you went on the platform for the first time .
The platform was adorned with flowers .
He calmly stepped onto the platform .
But when he had to cover for a sick teacher , he hadn 't lost his touch .
In class one day , Mr. Johnson pulled Johnny over to his desk after a test , and said , " Johnny , I have a feeling that you have been cheating on your tests . "
The man stepping to the podium at the New New New Madison Square Garden was not the phenom who 'd captivated this franchise so many years ago .
IBM invited a number of brand name customers to the stage telling similar stories about implementing new business-critical processes across a variety of heterogenous IT systems .
podium eg. We 're all anxious to hear Mrs. Zhuang Wei 's remarks , so let us all welcome her to the podium .
Rio chairman Jan Du Plessis bounded from the stage after his remarks to greet Xiong Weiping , Chinalco president .
The Tweets often show up either on a laptop on the podium or on a giant screen set up on the stage that is visible to everyone in the room .
It was Spotify , not Rhapsody , at center stage last week at Facebook 's f8 developer 's conference in San Francisco .
When Steve Jobs , the late chief executive of Apple , launched the Macintosh computer in 1984 , he hid behind the lectern , reading from notes and glancing at his feet .
I am here on a mission of peace , he said at an evening news conference in Jerusalem , where a FIFA emblem proclaiming My game is fair play sat on the dais .
Last year , J.K. Rowling , the billionaire novelist , who started as a classics student , graced this podium .
Any questions about this ? If not , I will turn the podium over to Professor Grimson .
And the answer to what would I do if I wasn 't afraid is I would get on the TED stage , and talk about women , and leadership . And I did , and survived .
I graduated from HBS in 1995 and I thought it was completely clear that by the time someone from my year was invited to speak at this podium , we would have achieved equality in the workforce .
Oddly enough , Richard Saul Wurman , originator of the Ted conference definitely a culprit in popularizing the powerpoint-backed speech insisted on doing away with speaker podiums precisely in order to intensify the uncomfortable feeling of having too much attention trained on you .
Moments after taking to the stage at Apple 's headquarters in Silicon Valley , Mr Cook positioned its legal battle with the FBI as a political one : " We get to decide as a nation how much power the government should have over our data and over our privacy . "
For example , the crumbling but still imposing Zeppelin tribune , or grandstand , where the F ü hrer and his henchmen drank in the choreographed adoration from the masses assembled below , features the only surviving lectern where Hitler spoke .
The twins followed California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to the stage .
We will set up a stage on which a podium .
When the bell goes on , you 're on stage .
The speaker was supported on the platform by the mayor .
Tom was very nervous when he stood on the platform .
You must stand up on a platform or a stage .
Why don 't we use this side of the stage ?