
jiǎnɡ jiě yuán
  • guide;commentator;narrator;announcer
讲解员 [jiǎng jiě yuán]
  • (1) [guide]∶为参观者解说展览内容的人

  • (2) [guide]∶导游者,向导

  1. 如果你在面试一份编辑工作,不要告诉我你的未来目标是做一个设计师,或者高尔夫讲解员。

    If you 're interviewing for an editorial job , don 't tell me your lifelong goal is to be a designer , or a golf announcer .

  2. 讲解员现在就要在体育场向我们报道。

    Our commentator will now set the scene in the stadium .

  3. 信标能检测出参观者是站在沃霍尔(Warhol)的画作前,还是卡蒂尔-布雷松(Cartier-Bresson)的摄影作品前,然后像数码讲解员一样,输出一系列与作品相关的信息,包括音频、视频讲解和评论等。

    The beacons can detect whether they 're standing at a Warhol print or a Cartier-Bresson photograph and , like a digital docent , can beam them a rich feed of information about those works , including audio talks , videos and reviews .

  4. 今天我大牛就是您的讲解员。

    Today , I , Daniel , am your tour guide .

  5. 讲解员要我们注意另一幅画。

    The guide directed our attention to the other picture .

  6. 随后,网友们在德国馆讲解员的带领和细致讲解下参观了德国馆,感受了德国多样的文化与科技。

    A Germany Pavilion guide led them throughout the visit .

  7. 它是:地方法官,讲解员,馆长,还是民情调查员?

    Is it : Magistrate , docent , curator , or ombudsman ?

  8. 我们雇了六个女孩作为电脑展览会的讲解员。

    We have recruited six girls to act as hostesses at the computer show .

  9. 博物馆请来了一位专家对于目前发生的情况向讲解员进行简要介绍。

    The museum hosted a specialist to brief docents on what 's going on .

  10. 讲解员:什么是病毒?

    Explainer : What is a virus ?

  11. 他担任一场最大足球比赛的讲解员。

    He announces the biggest football game .

  12. 我可是一名非常优秀的讲解员。

    I 'm a pretty good interpreter .

  13. 他向她解释一切,带她参观一切,成了她寸步不离的向导和讲解员。

    He had explained everything , shown her everything , been her constant guide and interpreter .

  14. 以后看摩托车比赛,我们就请你做讲解员。

    We 'll invite you to be the commentator when we watch a motor race later .

  15. 你可能在博物馆或者国家公园遇见讲解员。

    AZUZ : You might expect to see a docent at a museum or a national park .

  16. 德国场馆的虚拟讲解员严思和燕燕会带着访客游览场馆。

    Germany Pavilion 's virtual narrators Jens and Yan Yan will guide visitors to tour the pavilion .

  17. 当为惠普制作的培训班视频需要一位讲解员时,她自告奋勇地接受了任务。

    When a training workshop video she was handling for Hewlett-Packard needed a narrator , she stepped up .

  18. 伟大的诗篇,无论用希腊文还是英文写就,它需要的不是讲解员,而是一颗敏感的心。

    Great poetry , whether written in Greek or in English , needs no other interpreter than a responsive heart .

  19. 动物园里的讲解员经常鼓励孩子们参与动物保护,这有助于培养未来的环保人士。

    Commentators in zoos often encourage children 's participation into animal protection , as contributes to cultivation of future environmentalists .

  20. 但在亚特兰大,讲解员会在一个你意想不到的地方工作:公墓。

    But here in Atlanta , there are tour guides working at a place you might not expect : a cemetery .

  21. 如果我们幸运的话,我们会赶上最后一轮导游而且那名讲解员知识渊博。

    If we 're lucky , we 'll be in time for the last guided tour with a docent who 's knowledgeable .

  22. “这是这些总统雕像第一次接受面部清洗”,“总统山”的首席讲解员朱蒂·奥尔森说。

    " This is the first time the faces have been washed ," said Judy Olson , Mount Rushmore 's chief interpreter .

  23. 博物馆的讲解员之一、退休物理学家杜安休斯说,前来问询的游客并不焦虑,但似乎对于有关日本危险的报道感到迷惑。

    One of the museum 's docents , retired physicist Duane Hughes , said inquiring visitors aren 't jitterybut seem confused about reports of the dangers in Japan .

  24. 900份问卷的分析表明,游客最倾向的教育内容是动物保护,而讲解员的讲解是游客喜欢的教育方式。

    From 900 questionnaires , we know that the educational content preferred by visitors is animal conservation , and the interpretation of docents is the most favorite way for education .

  25. 不出意料,因为这种效果,讲解员说道:“就像你的脑袋被一块里面裹着金砖的柠檬砸碎了”。

    Hardly surprising , since the effect , the narrator intones , " is like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick . "

  26. 爆破者的社会结构非常简单:一个医生,一个教师,一个首领,一个警卫,一些机械师,和一个历史讲解员负责保存历史。

    Their structure is very basic ; there is a doctor , a teacher , a leader , a guard , mechanical technicians , and a keeper of the story to keep their history .