
jiǎng jiě
  • explain;interpret;expound;lay out;settle a dispute
讲解 [jiǎng jiě]
  • (1) [explain]∶解说;解释

  • 一条讲解这首诗的评注

  • (2) [settle a dispute]∶讲和;和解

讲解[jiǎng jiě]
  1. 她开始向小组讲解她的行动计划。

    She began to explain her plan of action to the group .

  2. 该如何使用机器,我已经讲解了五次,但他仍然不会操作,简直是白费力气。

    I 've tried five times to explain how to use the machine but he still cannot do it , I 'm just banging my head against a brick wall .

  3. 我们听她详细讲解了政府的新政策。

    We listened as she expounded on the government 's new policies .

  4. 现在完成时在第8单元讲解。

    The present perfect is covered in Unit 8 .

  5. 马克斯韦尔仔细听着约翰逊讲解其计划。

    Maxwell listened closely as Johnson laid out his plan

  6. 他以水波为例讲解无线电波的特性。

    He used water waves as an example to illustrate the nature of radio waves .

  7. 美国职业篮球联赛(nba)的最佳后卫之一讲解了如何有效地使用盯防战术。

    One of the best defenders in the NBA explained how to effectively play man-to-man defence .

  8. 马丁是这次自由贸易的讲解者。

    Martin is an exponent of the free trade .

  9. 那位教师发觉学生们对他的讲解毫无反应。

    The teacher found that nothing was feeding back to him from his pupils .

  10. 他指着示意图给来宾讲解远景规划。

    Pointing at a sketch map , he explained the long-term plan to the visitors .

  11. 他对故宫设计讲解甚详,如数家珍。

    His description of the layout of the Imperial Palace was so detailed that it was as if he were enumerating the heirlooms of his own family .

  12. 在他们向贝蒂讲解这些信息的过程中,他们也发现了自身想法上的一些问题。

    And as they explain the information to it , they identify problems in their own thinking .

  13. 导游讲解这里的独特史实时,您可以停下来多多拍照。

    Frequent stops are made for photo taking as your guide offers unique facts and history .

  14. 你的导游将讲解这些树和它们开花之处的著名纪念碑的历史。

    Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom .

  15. 弈秋是国中最出色的围棋高手。如果让他同时教两个人下棋,其中一个人专心致志,凝神静听弈讲解棋道,而另一个人虽然貌似在听讲,心里却想着要是有只天鹅飞来,怎样才能张弓搭箭把它射下来。

    If let him teaches two students , and one listens carefully and is absorbed in ti while the other one seemingly is also listening , but in his mind , he is thinking about if a swan passes here , how to shoot it down with a bow and arrow .

  16. 在第二章中具体讲解了在XML文档中的语法和相应的格式和标准。

    The grammar and forms related to XML document are discussed in chapter two .

  17. 讲解:1.妈妈让Tim别这么激动,takeiteasy。

    Mom : Tim , take it easy .

  18. 因此,本文使用Sort作为示例测试基准讲解性能调优方法。

    So , Sort is used as the example testing benchmark to show you the performance tuning method .

  19. 以红旗Linux4.0为操作系统平台,以维文为例,讲解民文Linux的实现方案。

    An implementation of minority language linux is explained based on red flag 4.0 operation system and in Uighur .

  20. 本文讲解这个机制的实现方法并介绍Linux文件系统层的主要结构。

    This article explores how this is done and investigates the major structures of the Linux file system layer .

  21. 下面的小节将讲解如何在UI里调用资源包。

    The next section explains how to invoke the resource bundle in the UI .

  22. 上次,我们为FraudCheck网格应用程序添加了代码,不过并未讲解解决方案结构本身。

    Last time , we added the code for the Fraud Check grid application but didn 't cover the solution structure itself .

  23. 详细讲解了基于此项设计的PLC的触点配置的设计方法、高计数器及模拟量扩展单元的使用。

    In this paper , the design method and the use of high counter and analog quantity expanding unit have been introduced in detail .

  24. 在讲解这个例子时,我们将介绍许多helper类。

    We introduce a number of helper classes over the course of this example .

  25. 本文稍后将深入讲解FS变量。

    We 'll cover the FS variable in more detail later in this article .

  26. 本文讲解在应用AIX升级时如何使用altdiskcopy以及如何恢复rootvg。

    This article demonstrates how to implement alt_disk_copy when applying an AIX upgrade and how to recover rootvg .

  27. 通过一个实例讲解了以VB6.0为开发平台制作课件的过程和优点。

    The paper presents the advantage of using VB6.0 to make courseware .

  28. 利用形象生动的动画演示来讲解教学内容是当今CAI发展的一个重要方向。

    A very important trend in CAI development is to take advantage of vivid animation to illustrate the content of the course .

  29. 分步讲解了如何从平面文件读取业务数据,将此数据转换成XML并用转换后的数据填充数据仓库。

    It provides step-by-step instructions for reading business data from a flat file , transforming this data into XML , and populating a data warehouse with the transformed data .

  30. 本教程讲解ApacheAxis的高级特性及其JAX-RPC功能。

    This tutorial is a guide to the more advanced feature set of Apache Axis and its JAX-RPC capabilities .