
  1. 第二章:敦煌讲唱文学的文化内涵。

    Chapter three : the narrating features of Dunhuang telling and singing literature .

  2. 试析敦煌讲唱文学作品的小说特征及其与唐传奇之比较

    Dunhuang Literature and Its Relation with Short Stories of the Tang Dynasty

  3. 敦煌讲唱文学中的佛教文化

    The Buddhist Culture in Dunhuang Telling and Singing literature

  4. 敦煌讲唱文学语言审美追求

    Aesthetic Pursuit in Language of Dunhuang Oral Literature

  5. 第五节分析敦煌讲唱文学的文体类型及特点。

    The section four research the folk culture of dunhuang telling and singing literature .

  6. 第三节分析敦煌讲唱文学发展经过。

    The section three research the development course of Dunhuang telling and singing literature .

  7. 20世纪敦煌讲唱文学研究的成就极高,但也存在一些薄弱环节。

    Also there are some results on the research of Dunhuang telling and singing literature , there are some weak points still .

  8. 敦煌讲唱文学是敦煌文学的重要组成部分,它也是敦煌文学研究的重心。

    Dunhuang telling and singing literature is an important part of Dunhuang literature , and it 's a research centre of dunhuang literature also .

  9. 在这一过程中,说书人的身份背景、社会因素等与讲唱文学的发展有着密切的关系,进而影响了古代文学的整体走向。

    In this process , the identity of the storytellers ' background , social factors and the development of literature speech have a close relationship , which has affected the ancient literature to the whole .