
  1. 浙江曲艺音乐中一唱众和的演唱方式甚多。

    There are many singing methods of one sings and others chorus in Zhejiang folk performing art .

  2. 曲艺音乐的类种&从音乐本身为曲艺音乐分类(以浙江为例)

    Types of the Quyi Music-Classifying the Quyi Music From Music Itself ( With Zhejiang as an Example );

  3. 20世纪中国曲艺音乐基本概念、本体特征与分类研究述论

    The Overview and Comment of China QuYi Music 's Basic Concept , Characteristic and Classification Research in the 20th Century

  4. 曲艺音乐是我国传统音乐的重要门类,历史悠久,丰富多彩。

    Quyi is a kind of talking singing music , and with a long history and rich colorful , it is an important sort in China traditional music .

  5. 常德丝弦是一种流行在常德的民间曲艺,音乐形式以说唱为主,是湖南丝弦中最为盛行的一种。

    Changde Sixian is a popular folk music in Changde , the main form of music to rap , and is most prevalent in a Hunan Sixian .

  6. 他大胆的运用各个民族、各个地区音乐风格的音乐元素,融曲艺素材与地方音乐元素于一炉,用自己独特的音乐思维进行创意。

    He uses musical styles and elements in various peoples and regions , mixes quyi and local music , and produces songs in his unique musical mode of thinking .