
  • 网络Speak Mandarin Campaign
  1. 讲华语运动在上个月踏入第20个年头。

    The Speak Mandarin Campaign entered its 20th year last month .

  2. 这不禁使我想起二十几年前,我们如火如荼地推行“讲华语运动”。

    I 'm reminded of the Speak Mandarin Campaign which was launched more than 20 years ago .

  3. 双语教育制度和讲华语运动为新加坡华文教育奠定了基石;

    Bilingualism and the " Speaking Mandarin Campaign " build the foundation of Chinese education in Singapore .

  4. 讲华语运动如今踏入第20个年头,已达到成熟期。

    As the Speak Mandarin Campaign enters its 20th year , it has now reached a stage of maturity .

  5. 回顾不同年代讲华语运动所针对的对象及场所,也可以看出它逐渐在另一方面扩大角色。

    A review of the campaign target group and domain in various annual campaigns reveals another trend of role expansion .

  6. 1979年开始以来,讲华语运动一直面对阻力。

    Granted , the Speak Mandarin Campaign has faced some resistance all these years since its first launch in 1979 .

  7. 随着新加坡及国际社会在社会、经济与政治上的改变,讲华语运动也逐渐演化。

    The transition in Speak Mandarin Campaign took place in line with the changing social , economic and political conditions in Singapore and internationally .

  8. 讲华语运动接下来应做的,是更敏感地处理马来族及印度族少数族群同胞的反应。

    It is with the minorities in Singapore , the Malays and Indians , that the campaign still needs to be handled with great sensitivity .

  9. 文化与经济上的功能,就如讲华语运动的两条腿,走起路来互相配合。

    The two functions , the cultural and the economical , are like the two legs of the campaign , and they reinforce each other .

  10. 讲华语运动已成为一个更大政策中的一部分,目的是要培养出一群华文文化精英。

    The Speak Mandarin Campaign has evolved to become a part of the larger policy " scheme " to cultivate a Chinese intellectual and cultural elite .

  11. 上面已提到的,讲华语运动最初的目标比较局限,只是为孩童教育提供一个有利的语言环境。

    As mentioned earlier , the rationale of the campaign was initially defined rather narrowly , as providing a language environment conducive to the education of the child .

  12. 如果渐渐形成一种滞碍,单靠“讲华语运动”等官式药方补救,很难生龙活虎。

    If it becomes more of a hindrance than help over time , official remedies such as the " Speak Mandarin Campaign " will not help very much .

  13. 随着华语在文化与经济上的价值深入人心,更多华人也有效掌握了双语,使到越来越多受英语教育华人接受了讲华语运动,也接受华语为高层语言。

    As messages about the cultural and economic benefits of learning and speaking Mandarin seep through and more Chinese are becoming effectively bilingual , more and more English-educated Chinese have also become receptive to the campaign and to the use of Mandarin as a high language .