
  • 网络racial identity;ethnic identity
  1. 我们检视社会认同的概念,讨论性别、宗教与种族认同的内容如何与族群与国族认同相互动。

    We examine the concept of social identity , consider how gender , religious and racial identity components interact with ethnic and national ones .

  2. 他表示,他自己没有种族认同。

    He himself , he said , had no ethnic identity .

  3. 种族认同,还是资源争夺&苏丹达尔富尔地区冲突根源探析

    Racial Identification or Resource Competition : Root of Sudan 's Darfur Conflict

  4. 一位荷兰朋友曾经问我,为何我要谈论自己的种族认同。

    A Dutch friend once asked me why I talked about my ethnic identity .

  5. 我告诉他,如果他移居赞比亚,他将很快发现自己荷兰人的种族认同。

    I told him that if he moved to Zambia , he 'd quickly discover his ethnic identity as a Dutchman .

  6. 本文通过对美国菲律宾裔移民的移民历史、社会经济调整、文化适应、种族认同等问题进行考察,揭示美国重要的亚裔群体之一&菲律宾裔移民的生活状况。

    The article reviews the immigration history , socioeconomic adjustment , acculturation and ethnic identification of Filipino Americans , and explores their life status in USA.

  7. 历史上,澳大利亚的民族认同经历种族认同和文化认同的发展,20世纪70年代以后随多元文化政策的推行,在共同国民意识、公民意识的基础上形成的国民认同才趋于独立和成熟。

    Experiencing the racial identification and the cultural identification , the identification of Australian Nation based on a common national sense and citizen sense has become obvious and mature since the policy of multi-culture promoted in the 1970s .

  8. 同时,他也有很强的种族认同感,对和他一样肤色,一样行为举止的人有很强的亲近感,这也是每个黑人所共有的感觉&族群意识。

    In the meantime , he held a strong sense of ethnic group identity . He often felt close to those people who had the same skin color and behaviors . This was a common sense of every black people & ethnic group consciousness .

  9. 导致苏丹内战爆发和持续的因素主要有宗教问题、种族问题、认同问题、殖民遗留问题、国家权力分配问题、环境资源问题及外部影响问题等,但宗教问题是最关键的因素。

    The main factors leading to its outbreak and continuance include various issues concerning religion , race , identity , legacy of colonialism , power sharing , environment , resources and external influences , of which the religious issue is the most decisive one .

  10. 种族根源与国家认同之间的明显矛盾,却是更基本课题。

    The other issue , far more fundamental , is the apparent dilemma between ethnic rootedness and national identity .

  11. 通过对奶人成长过程的描述和他的性别意识、种族意识和生命意识的进步,莫里森表达了消除两性对立、获得种族身份认同、回归传统文化的文化理想。

    In Song of Solomon , Morrison describes the Black Milkman 's growth , analyzes his process of cognition of sex , race and life , and expresses her cultural ideal of gender harmony , ethnic identity , and return to traditional Black culture .